Week 2 Day 6 Flashcards
to hunt and shoot animals, birds and fish illegally especially on private lands without permission
1-a bad effect sth has on sth or sb over a long period of time (Years of smoking have taken their toll on his health.) 2-the number of people injured or killed in a particular accident (The death toll of typhoon hiyan has risen sharply in the past few days.)
a bird or animal that is hunted and eaten by another animal
soluble (adj)
a problem that can be solved (opp insoluble)
to make sb leave their home or place for a new place especially when it’s upsetting or difficult (He rejected the idea of uprooting himself and move to the US.)
stereotype (n)
an idea or belief of what a particular type of person or thing is like, and it’s often unfair and untrue (Women have to understand the stereotype of good mother.)
an opinion whether a person, group or idea is good or bad that influences how you deal with it, discrimination (Students were evaluated without bias.)
a strong dislike or hatred, hostility (There is no animosity between the party leaders.) (She felt a certain amount of animosity towards him.)
a feeling in the past was good or the activity of remembering sth good in the past and wish it had not changed (I have nostalgia for the good old days.)
a change which gradually spreads without even being noticed, usually causes serious harm (There is an insidious trend towards press censorship.)
an idea, belief or opinion (The traditional notion of marriage goes back thousands of years,)
used to emphasize that sth which is not small or isn’t extreme can be important or have a big effect (The mere fact that the talks are continuing is a positive sign.)
trajectory (formal)
events which happen in a period of time which can lead to a particular aim or result (The decision was certain to affect the trajectory of French politics for some time to come.)
paradigm (formal)
a very clear and typical example of something (He remained a paradigm of what a pope should do.)
able to express your opinions and ideas well, especially in a way that influences people (The paradigmatic spokesman of this view is the eloquent Mark Stein.)