Week 2 and 3 Balance / FIM Flashcards
posture w/o movement
Static balance
posture during active motion
Dynamic Balance
Supported sitting
VS unsupported
support on back, feet, arms etc.
no resting of body on any other part other than main BOS
Able to maintain sitting balance against maximal resistance.
• Normal
Static Sitting Balance
Able to maintain balance against moderate resistance.
• Good
Static Sitting Balance
maintain balance sitting and accepts minimal resistance
• G-/F+
Static Sitting Balance
Able to maintain static sitting balance with UE support.
• Fair-
Static Sitting Balance
Able to maintain with minimum assistance from individual or chair.
• Poor+
Static Sitting Balance
Unable to maintain static sitting balance. Requires moderate/maximum support from another individual or chair.
• Poor
Static Sitting Balance
Able to sit unsupported, able to weight shift and cross midline maximally
• Normal
Dynamic Sitting Balance
Able to sit unsupported, able to weight shift and cross midline moderately
• Good
Dynamic Sitting Balance
Able to sit unsupported, able to weight shift and cross midline minimally.
• G-/F+
Dynamic Sitting Balance
Reach to ipsilateral side and unable to weight shift.
• Fair-
Dynamic Sitting Balance
Able to sit supported with Min A and reach to ipsilateral side, unable to weight shift.
• Poor+
Dynamic Sitting Balance
Able to sit supported with Mod A and reach ipsilateral/front cannot cross midline
• Poor
Dynamic Sitting Balance
Minimal weight shift ipsilateral/front, difficulty crossing midline
• Fair:
Dynamic Sitting Balance
Able to maintain standing balance against maximal resistance
• Normal
Static Standing Balance
Able to maintain standing balance against moderate resistance
• Good
Static Standing Balance
Able to maintain standing balance against minimal resistance.
• G-/F+
Static Standing Balance
Able to stand unsupported without UE support and without balance loss for 1-2 min
• Fair
Static Standing Balance
Requires Min A or UE support in order to stand without balance loss.
• Fair-
Static Standing Balance
Requires Mod A and UE support to maintain standing without balance loss.
• Poor+
Static Standing Balance
Requires Max A and UE support to maintain standing balance without loss
• Poor
Static Standing Balance
Stand independently unsupported, able to weight shift and cross midline maximally
• Normal:
Dynamic Standing Balance
Stand independently unsupported, able to weight shift and cross midline moderately
• Good
Dynamic Standing Balance
Stand independently unsupported, able to weight shift and cross midline minimally.
• G-/F+
Dynamic Standing Balance
Stand independently unsupported, weight shift and reach ipsilaterally, difficulty crossing midline without balance loss
• Fair
Dynamic Standing Balance
Able to stand with supervision and reach ipsilaterally, unable to weight shift.
• Fair-
Dynamic Standing Balance
Able to stand with Min A and reach ipsilaterally, unable to weight shift.
• Poor+
Dynamic Standing Balance
Able to stand with Mod A and minimally reach ipsilaterally, unable to cross midline
• Poor
Dynamic Standing Balance
Static levels for balance are looking at what?
balance against resistance either supported/unsupported
Dynamic levels of balance are looking at what?
looks at weight shift and cross midline
The patient safely performs all the tasks described as making up the activity within a reasonable amount of time, and does so without modification, assistive devices, or aids.
7 Complete Independence
One or more of the following may be true: the activity requires an assistive device or aid, the activity takes more than reasonable time, or the activity involves safety (risk) considerations.
6 Modified Independence
The patient requires no more help than standby, cuing, or coaxing, without physical contact; alternately, the helper sets up needed items or applies orthoses or assistive/adaptive devices.
5 Supervision or Setup
The patient requires no more help than touching, and expends 75% or more of the effort.
4 Minimal Contact Assistance
min assist
The patient requires more help than touching, or expends between 50 and 74% of the effort. Complete Dependence: The patient expends less than half (less than 50%) of the effort. Maximal or total assistance is required. The levels of assistance required are defined below.
3 Moderate Assistance
The patient expends between 25 to 49% of the effort.
2 Maximal Assistance
The patient expends less than 25% of the effort.
1 Total Assistance
The patient does not perform the activity, and a helper does not perform the activity for the patient during the entire assessment time frame.
NOTE: Do not use this code only because you did not observe the patient perform the activity. In such cases, consult other clinicians, the patient’s medical record, the patient, and the patient’s family members to discover whether others observed the patient perform the activity.
0 Activity Does Not Occur
- Another person is not required for the activity
Patient requires another person for either supervision or physical assistance in order to perform the activity, or it is not performed (REQUIRES HELPER).
The patient expends half (50%) or more of the effort. The levels of assistance required are defined below.
3 P’s of assessment
Problems, Progress, Potential.
Plan includes…
Frequency and duration of OT treatment- mentions OT
What are you working on in next session- related to performance skills, order DME, refer to PT etc
Able to sit unsupported without balance loss and without UE support.
static sitting balance