Week 2: Adrenergics I Flashcards
What system innervates the blood vessels?
The sympathetic nervous system
I.e. diastolic pressure derives from an increase in tone of arterioles
How does the nervous system “know” what the blood pressure is?
Baroreceptors in the carotid sinus and aortic arch send information into the vagus nerve (which is 80% a sensory nerve and 20% a motor nerve for the ANS)
What non-adrenergic receptors are located on blood vessels?
M3 muscarinic receptors allow for vasodilation in endothelial cells, mediated by nitric oxide
What receptors are involved in the adrenergic nervous system?
SNS alpha and beta receptors in cardiac & smooth muscle, gland cells, and nerve terminals as well as the adrenal medulla
Why are receptors in the kidney “different” than in other organs? Describe the stimulation and inhibition of kidney activity via these three receptor types.
Stimulation of increased activity:
The kidney contains dopamine (D1) and b1 receptors, which, when stimulated, cause vasodilation (D1) and renin release (b1). NE and dopamine act on the kidney.
Inhibition of activity:
a2a receptors located presynaptically act to inhibit renin release from the kidneys, decreasing BP.
What is the action and physiology of alpha-1 receptors?
They mediate smooth muscle contraction and are innervated. Ultimately, they are activated by EPI & NE.
What is the action and physiology of beta-1 receptors?
They are located in the heart and kidney, and mediate cardiac muscle contraction (increase BP). They are stimulated by NE & EPI.
What is the action and physiology of the beta-2 receptors?
The beta-2 receptors stimulate smooth muscle relaxation and dilation of skeletal muscle BVs. They also increase HR and contractiility.They are most/only sensitive to EPI. They are not innervated.
What are the different alpha receptors? Why is important that different classes exist?
a1a, b and d
a2a, b and c
This is important because we can design drugs that target certain alpha receptors while avoiding others
What happens at a1, b1, b2 and b3 receptors during the sympathetic nervous response/release of epi/NE?
a1: pupodilation of eyes, contraction of GI/bladder sphincters, contraction of prostate, (+ a2b) constriction of vascular beds in smooth muscle
b1: increased HR/AV conduction/contractility of atria/ventricles, increased renin secretion (inc. Na/H2O retention)
b2: bronchodilation, increased liver/skel muscle glycogen breakdown, increased K+ uptake into skeletal muscle, dilation of skeletal muscle BVs
b3: decreased bladder contractility (similar to delivery of tolterodine (Detrol LA), a muscarinic blocker that prevents overactive bladder), mobilization of FAs
What is the mechanism that allows alpha1 receptors to contract muscles?
Gq coupled to PLC allows for Ca2+ release, which helps initiate muscular contraction of elements like pupils, GI/bladder sphincters, prostate and BVs
Why is it important for K+ to be taken up into skeletal muscle cells during the sympathetic response?
Increased intracellular K+ prevents ionic imbalance and serves to protect the cell from damage
What receptors initiate constriction of vascular beds, and what are they stimulated by?
a1 and a2b, which are stimulated by EPI/NE equally
How do beta and dopamine receptors initiate dilation activity? How do a2 receptors counter this?
All beta receptors and dopamine1 (D1) receptors act via Gs receptor proteins to increase adenylyl cyclase activity, increasing [cAMP]
Result: Increased heart contractility (b1/2 in heart)
Dilation in BV (b2)
Takeaway: result depends on cell type
a2 receptors act via the Gi pathway to block this activity, decreasing [cAMP]
How do beta receptors affect smooth vs cardiac muscles? If you were giving someone a beta blocker to control hypertension, what kind would you want to give? Note: there are four receptor types involved.
See image
For hypertension/high BP, you would want to give a b1 blocker. This is because this would selectively block b1 receptors in the heart, which normally act to increase HR and contractility, and thus increase BP