Week 1: Pharmacokinetics II Flashcards
Why does the plasma concentration of a drug decrease with time? Why does it decrease in a curve rather than in a straight line?
The plasma concentration of a drug decreases because of the ADME effects–Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism and Excretion
It decreases in a curve due to the fact that rate of change depends on enzyme kinetics. When a lot of molecules are available, Vmax of an enzyme is approached. As drug concentration falls off, enzyme velocity decreases according to the curve of the enzyme kinetic plot.
What are the enzyme kinetics of drug metabolism?
Since the rate of metabolism is dependent on [drug] alone, enzyme kinetics are first order.
Enz + D <=> EnzD –> Enz + metabolite
This means a constant fraction of drug is eliminated per unit time.
What is half life (t1/2)? How long does it take for >90% of a drug to be cleared?
The half life of a drug is the amount of time required to metabolise 50% of the original amount. If the half life of a drug is one day, then…
After 1 day: 50% of original amount
After 2 days: 25% of original amount
After 3 days: 12.5% of original amount
After 4 days: 6.25% of original amount
Thus, it takes 4 days, in this case, to eliminate >90% of the drug
What is the equation for the clearance of drug from the body?
C = e-kt(C0)
where C = [drug] at time t after administration
e = Euler’s number ~2.7
k = rate constant of elimination
t = time since C0
C0 = initial concentration
e-kt = fraction remaining
How can we transform the clearance equation, and what does this give us as far as Y-intercept and slope?
We can transform the clearance equation by taking the natural log of both sides to get:
ln(C) = -kt + ln (C0)
y = mx + b
Y-int. = ln(C0)
Slope = -ke
What is ke? What is its relationship to t1/2? What is its unit? What does it mean if ke = 0.1/hr?
ke is the elimination rate constant
It relates to t1/2 via t1/2 = 0.693/ke
It has a unit of 1/time aka per hour
If ke = 0.1/hr that means 10% of the drug is eliminated per hour
What is another term for ke, and why do we call it that?
ke is also referred to as kbeta because alpha = distribution phase of a drug, beta = elimination phase
Does ke remain constant?
The rate, ke doesn’t stay constant since the concentration is decreasing, so you would actually metabolize less than 10% per hour when ke = 0.1/hr (because that value assumes that the drug concentration stays constant, when it is in fact decreasing)
What happens if the process of drug elimination is saturated? How does this affect enzyme kinetics? How does it affect t1/2?
If the process/enzyme activity is saturated, the number of molecules of drug removed from the plasma per minute will be constant since the process is working at its maximal rate (Vmax).
Because the rate does not depend on the concentration of drug, it is a zero order process. Here, the decay is linear and C is decreasing by a constant amount/time.
What drugs have zero-order kinetics?
Ethanol (Every)
Phenytoin (Physician)
Fluoxetine (Fills)
Verapamil (Vag’s)
What is the volume of distribution and how is it calculated?
Volume of distribution is the apparent volume that the drug is dissolved in. It is calculated via:
D/C0 = Vd
Where D = dose given, and C0 = starting concentration
How can you calculate the volume that the drug is dissolved in?
C = D/Vd
where C = mass/volume = mg/L = dose/volume, and rearrange to get
Vd = D/C
Does the V = D/C calculation give us the actual volume that a drug is dissolved in? Why or why not?
The equation gives us the apparent volume that the drug is dissolved in, not the actual volume. This is because the drug binds to other elements like plasma protein, cell surfaces and more.
How do lean and adipose individuals differ in the administration of a lipophilic drug?
In the case of high adipose individuals, much of the drug becomes sequestered in the adipose tissue, instead of actually distributing around the body. With the lean individual, a relatively high percent of the drug remains unsequestered by fat, so they see a higher relative dose in relevant compartments.
What is the difference in distribution of two drugs that are given in the same dose, but have different lipophilicity?
Drugs given in the same dose but with differing lipophilicity will sequester and distribute differently. Low lipophilicity drugs will remain in the aqueous compartments, with low levels of the drug sequestering in fat. High lipophilicity drugs will mostly sequester in fat, with low levels of the drug remaining in aqueous compartments.