Week 2 Flashcards
According to Brooker, the trans-femoral amputee uses about how much more energy than the non-injured human?
What are the sensing mechanisms relevant to locomotion?
Proprioception and mechanoreception
A process in which a loop of muscle in the chest or arm is isolated and covered with skin, so that contraction of the muscle operates an attached prosthetic actuator is called?
One of the most successful prosthetic devices is the body-powered split hook, which has remained largely unchanged since it was patented in 1912. advantages of this device include;
simple and robust design, moderately low cost, and increased control due to proprioception
According to Brooker, in Initial Swing phase of gait, the amputee must increase what muscle activity to accommodate the compromised function of the Gracilis and Sartorius
Increase hip-flexor muscles to lift the prosthetic foot
According to Brooker, during initial swing, amputation loss of the popliteus, the short head of the biceps and the pretribial muscles;
eliminates active knee flexion in initial swing
True or false: According to Brooker, during terminal swing, all prosthetic knees suffer from friction, which reduces angular acceleration of the knee during the advancement of the lower leg in swing phase.
In the 1950’s, Hans Mauch introduced the fluid-controlled prosthesis, which;
Improves swing control and stance stability
Osseointigration is the permanent incorporation of a nonbiological component into bone used to facilitate the skeletal anchoring of a prosthetic device. The threaded stud is inserted into the cavity of the amputated long bone. What material is this threaded stud made of?
A prosthesis that uses an additional energy supply for motion and control over and above that provided by muscle power from the user is known as;
According to Brooker in Chapter 10 of your readings, a prosthetic foot must;
All of these-ankle rollover, shock absorber, return as much energy as possible
The Utah Arm is a good example of a two-site myoelectric control strategy. What switches the control from the hand or TD to the elbow?
fast co-contraction of both myoelectric channels
Because of microprocessor technology, the Utah Arm 3 provides proportional control to the wrist and elbow and is capable of controlling how many separate actuation motions simultaneously?
The Boston Elbow provides a torque of 14Nm and has a flexion time of 1.1 seconds and has an embedded DSP that can control how many devices in addition to the elbow?
The “Luke Arm” developed by DEKA research and funded by DARPA has how many degrees of freedom (DOF)?
John Hopkins University’s APL prosthesis has how many degrees of freedom (DOF)?
Most prosthetics manufacturers conform to standard interfaces to allow users to mix and match components, what are the exceptions?
True or False: APL has made the virtual environment of it’s prosthetic platform open source
The next generation of Otto Bock prosthesis uses a proprietary and encrypted digital communication standard called the;
Axon Bus
The advantages of a conventional electric motor-driven prosthesis are;
None of these options
What kind of control has since been introduced were the rate of control is proportional to the actuation signal amplitude and gives the TD more precision?
Proprotional control
Which prosthetic hand is actuated through a simple two-electrode myoelectric interface that controls five individual fingers and has built in stall detection in each finger?
As the firing rate increases and as more fibers close to the surface are activated, the amplitude of the myoelectric signal picked up by a pair of surface electrodes;
Increases dramatically
The most basic myoelectric control strategy is in which some action is taken if the envelope exceeds a set threshold and s known as a one-site system. It supports how many binary states?
True or False: Problems arise with high-level upper extremity amputees as more DOFs must be controlled with fewer available muscle sites.
Regarding high-level amputees, remaining muscle sites are not physiologically appropriate as they bear no natural relationship with the lost DOFs. How does the client control an upper extremity myoelectric prosthesis?
The amputee needs to develop a contrived suite of contractions to control the prosthesis
Chapter 10 of the Introduction to Biomechatronics textbook outlines the various types of hands available to upper limb amputees. One of these hands is the i-Limb Hand which the author indicates is capable of which grip type?
Key, Power, Precision, Index
Ohm’s law measures what?
A bit is a binary digit, taking a value of;
0, 1
BIOS stands for
Basic Input Output system
In computing, information is broken down into discrete units of data called;
An important trend in the history of computer hardware: that the number of transistors that can be inexpensively placed on an integrated circuit is increasing is known as exponentially, doubling approximately every two years is known as;
Moore’s Law
Contrary to traditional assumptions, the uniquely human faculty of reason (conscious, intelligent, rational thought) requires very little computation, but that the unconscious sensorimotor skills and instincts that we share with other animals require enormous computational resources. What is this idea called?
Morevec’s Paradox
On an LED, the long connector represents what?
the anode
A proposal for a test of a machine’s capability to demonstrate intelligence
Turing Test