Week 2 Flashcards
International relations are struggle for power & security
5 assumptions realism
- States exists in a world with no higher authority = states need to protect themselves. Power = currency
- Anarch y = insecurity so people form states. States offer protection
- States are in general reasonable/rational
- Security = central problem of international politics. Foreign policy’s nr1 priority is national security
- The search for security= competitive . Power has relational quality, one must always take it from someone else.
3’s’es realism
State, security and Self-Help
Institutions realism
result of power politics, at the mercy of the most powerful states
States and other actors, like international organizations and corporations, have incentives to cooperate and create positive-sum games (everyone benefits).
3 branches Liberalism
- Commercial liberalism: Economy unifies through the spread of capitalism + shared economy which creates interdependence and thus an incentive for peace
- Democratic peace: Democratic states seek affiliation with each other to build relations, share common preferences, therefore won’t fight each ther
- Liberal institutionalism: Law & institutions pacify threats of war.
5 assumptions of liberalism.
- world is always modernizing through technology
- Individuals are actors in IR
- Individuals have incentives embedded in society to trade/negotiate for joint gain
- Modernization, capitalism will lead all countries down the same path
- Human kind is always progressing, learning to be better
Classical Realism
Human nature = perpetually bad –> cause conflict and violence
Structural realism
Causes for perpetual conflict & violence are found in the structure of the international system
Commercial Realism
As economic relations between two states grow, so do their mutual interests in maintaining stable and continuous cooperation. (the cost of conflict would be too high because of this shared bond - war is less likely)
Neoliberal institutionalism
political doctrine should actively promote liberal ideas
The tendency of groups within countries to
build cooperative associations with groups in other countries. Transnational relations—connections between groups within different countries—play an important role in international interactions. Unlike realists, who focus mainly on state-to-state interactions, liberals emphasize the influence of society-to-society interactions. A diverse range of transnational groups, from environmental and human rights organizations to religious and scientific associations, operates across borders, impacting global cooperation and conflict.
Tendency of people from different countries to embrace each other as fellow citizens of the world. Contrasts nationalism
Theory of being
theory of knowing
class and economic inequalities are main drivers of IR. IR presents clash between capitalist elites and the working class.
Class struggle
International interactions are expressions of the capitalist class’s dominance, with international institutions serving capitalist interests.
Dependency theory
Economic structures between rich (core) and poor (periphery) countries create dependency, exploiting less developed nations.
World-systems- theory (Wallerstein)
divides the world into core, semi-periphery and periphery
focusses on beliefs, ideals. How people’s beliefs shape what individuals, states and nations do. Reality is socially constructed
4 assumptions Constructivism
- Ideals/beliefs are not set in stone but subject to the identities of actors
- identities are shaped by culture, religion etc
- The most influential people in society play crucial role in how groups and countries act on the global stage
- Communication is key to forming and changing identities
Normative Change
socialization progress the world to progression
Strategic culture
Culture shapes foreign policy
neglect of colonial influences in current IR literature. Sovereignty= european concept, taken for granted by realist and liberalist scholars.
Challenges marxism: the idea that class struggle is rooted in history is not true for all cultures.
offensive realism
war is part of the solution
defensive realism
security of you own state most important
Racialized otherting
exampla: nuclear proliferation, countries in the global south can’t be trusted with nuclear weapons. While the us is the only country that has used them thus far
Interracial feminism
Does a black poor women experience feminism the same way a rich white women does?
Critical theory
Theory which seeks to expose and challenge existing power structures
Post Positivism
Reality itself can not be objectively known, is always influenced by existing power structures and it’s surrounding discourse
Sovereign Equality
all states are legally equal under international law