Week 2 Flashcards
Positionality, reflection, reflexivity, and the issue of bias
What is positionality
-“positionality refers to the position a researcher has chosen to adopt within a given research study”
-It nessisitates the researcher to consiciously examine their own identiy to allow the reader to assess the impact of their personal characteristics and perepectives in relation to the study population, the topic under study, and the research process
Reflective practice
-Refelctive practice is about learning fom experience
-Evaluating what went well and what didn’t
-planning how you will deal with a similar situation next time
-Aim is to enhance patient care and foster continous professional development
Diffrence between reflexivity and reflectivity
Reflective thinking practices are about becoming more aware of your thoughts and actions while reflexivity goes deeper, ackowledges viewpoints, positionality, assumptions and beliefs
How can you be reflective in research?
-Noticing, critiquin, apprasing and evaluating how researchers (own and others) subjecctively and positionality impacts on the research process
-making explicit the implications of such influence (journaling)
-Bias produces valid looking but misleading results
-All studies are prone to a bias so therefore a judgement must be made on the risk of bias (low-med-high)
-Bias assumes one truth and that the findings are systemtically “pulled away” from the truth
-The concept of bias does not fit within the paradigm of constructivism
Consider researchers positioning
-age, gener, race, culture, etc
-Can Impact any part of the research process
When sampling
-Who selected the participants? How might that have influenced the data collected
-Is it the right kind of sample to anwser the research question?
-Who might be missing? How could I have included marganilised populations better?
When collecting data
-Did the methods match the research question?
-How can I influence data collection?
-Where did interview/ focus group take place? How might that impact my findings?
-Is my interview guide/ feildnote guide complete? am I missing anything?
When analysing data
-Was the analytical approach appropriate to anwser research question?
-Was I reflexive during the analytical process?
-Did I seek out alternative explanations and nagative cases?
-Am I only focousing on confirming my assumptions?
-What might I be missing?
-Would double coding be appropriate?
When writing up
-Do my results make sense?
-Are they underpinned by data?
-Have I been clear and transparent about my methods used?