Week 2 Flashcards
Consistency across time (do same answers give same results every time?)
- inter-judge relaibility: do have judges same level of skill to judge you?
-methods always contain noise or unreliability
Do we measure what we want to measure?
- no reliability, no validity
Content validity
Is method representative of job?
- how well is reflection/prediction
- necessary but not sufficient (high content validity may not predict high criterion-related validity)
Criterion validity
How well does selection method predict X?
- predictive validity: can scores measure a predition/correlation? Harder to determine, large sample size to see whether test has future predicitive power
- concurrent validity: are scores related to the measures variable, easy to determine with current employees with current employees (might not represent future employees)
what is the practical economic value of a selection method?
1. costs
2. variability of performance (if high, then utility is high)
3. selection ratio: number of job positions to number of applicants (who is in power?)
make sure selection method does not reduce changes of specific groups of people from getting hired
Cognitive ability test
selection method to assess general mental ability
- test-taking ability also matters
- culture bound or free?
- moderate correlation with job performance
Personality tests
selection method to assess personality traits
- Big Five (Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism) to quantify personalities. Strongest predictor is conscientiousness
- MBTI (Thinker or Feeler), vague description and positive results but low reliability (do not use)
- Dark Triad: access harmful traits (Narcissism, Psychopathy and Machiavellanism) and to prevent harm
Integrity test
- Overt: attitude towards theft and admission of wrongdoing
- personality oriented: items about dependability, conscientiousness, social conformity, thrill seeking, trouble with authority and hostility
- Conditional Reasoning Test: how do people justify their behavior?
- PROBLEM: can be inflated by faking and coaching
- structured (medium correlation)
- unstructured (less correlation)
- semi-structures
References and Letters of recommendations
- mostly positives, few negatives (limited information about the actual review), redundant
- should focus on specific skills and relevant aspects
Work sample test
- test technical and practical expertise
comparability when asking them to perform the exact same task - highest correlation so far
Other selection methods
- physical ability test
- language proficiency test
- drug test
- assessment centers
Picking selection method
- pick combination of cognitive ability test and one other
- cognitive ability as base as it has high predictive validities, easy to administer, one of the most validated and can be applied to several jobs
- small overlaps between test bring bigger predictive validity than big overlaps
Perceptual Error/Decoy effect
irrelevant 3rd option influences how people decide between two viable options
Social Desirability
people say what they think others want to hear (male and older applicants have higher social desirability)
Fundamental attribution error
attribute behavior and discounting the situational effect
- behavior is product of both
Halo effect
rate favorable because of high rating on different aspect
Horns effect
rate unfavorable because of low rating on different aspect
Rate those who are similar to us favorably
Face validity
Important that application process is perceived as fair and that the tests are relevant for selection
- effects intention to accept job offer
- could cause doubts
Effects of face validity beyond selection process
- employer branding: will applicants recommend company?
- view the organization favorable: can harm image
- effects applicants durther intention to buy or use products