Week 2 Flashcards
What is the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation?
- Intrinsic refers to doing something because it’s inherently interesting or enjoyable and not for a separable consequence
- Extrinsic refers to doing something because it leads to a separable outcome
What is orientation of motivation?
It’s the underlying goals and attitudes that give rise to action
What do operant and learning theory state about intrinsic motivation?
- Operant theory suggests that behaviors are motivated by rewards, thus intrinsically motivated activities are the ones that the reward is the activity itself.
- Learning theory suggests that all behaviors are motivated by physiological drives, thus intrinsically motivated activities are the ones that provide satisfaction of innate psychological needs
What does Cognitive Evaluation Theory state about intrinsic motivation?
-CET specifies the factors in social contexts that cause intrinsic motivation to vary.
-Interpersonal events and structures that produce feelings of competence during action can enhance intrinsic motivation for that action because they allow
satisfaction of the basic psychological need for competence.
-feelings of competence will not enhance intrinsic motivation unless they are accompanied by a sense of autonomy.
-People must not just have a sense of competence (or self efficacy), but they must also have a sense of control over their actions.
-Extrinsic rewards can undermine intrinsic motivation
What is internalization and integration based on SDT?
-Internalization is the process of absorbing a value or regulation, while integration is the process of totally transforming the regulation into one’s own so that it emerges from one’s sense of self.
What are the styles of extrinsic motivation and their processes?
- External regulation-> Saliance of extrinsic rewards or punishments/Compliance/Reactance
- Introjection-> Ego involvement/Focus on approval from self or others
- Identification-> Conscious valuing of activity/Self-endorsement of goals
- Integration-> Hierarchical synthesis of goals/Congruence
What factors prompt people to be extrinsically motivated?
- Sense of relatedness (sense of belongingness)
- Perceived competence (goals that feel efficacious)
- Autonomy
What does Maslow’s pyramid of needs include?
- Physiological Needs
- Safety Needs
- Belonging Needs
- Esteem Needs
- Self-actualization
What motivates most?
- Financial incentives
- Interpersonal support
- Acknowledgement for good work
- Making progress
- Clear goals
What are human’s 3 basic needs based on SDT?
- Competence-> Need to be effective in dealing with the environment
- Autonomy-> Need to control the course of their lives
- Relatedness-> Need to have a close, affectionate relationship with others
What is the connection between performance motivation and the Big 5?
Neuroticism and Conscientiousness are the strongest and most consistent correlates of performance motivation.
What does Equity Theory suggest?
-The Equity Theory of Motivation is concerned with how people assess their own worth in comparison to others in comparable work conditions based on their inputs and outputs.
What does Goal Setting Theory suggest?
-Goal Setting Theory states that specific and challenging goals along with appropriate feedback contribute to higher and better task performance.
What is Job Performance?
-The overall expected value from employees’ behaviors carried out over the course of a set period of time.
What are the elements of Job Performance?
- Task Performance (TP).These are the actions that directly transform raw materials to goods and services –they are the things that are typically included in job descriptions
- Organizational citizenship behavior(OCB) is a person’s voluntary commitment within an organization or company that is not part of their contractual tasks.
What are the consequences of OCB?
At the individual level, the consequences include performance evaluations, managers’ reward allocation decisions, and employee withdrawal,
At the organizational level they include a variety of
objective effectiveness measures
What does the five-factor OCB model consist of?
- Altruism
- Courtesy
- Conscientiousness (employees’ actions suggesting that they embrace and follow the organization’s rules, regulations, and procedures)
- Civic Virtue (behavior suggesting that employees are invested in the success of their company)
- Sportmanship (Employees’ readiness to put up with less-than-ideal conditions without complaining or exaggerating concerns.)
- +2 Peacekeeping, Cheerleading
How does Ericsson define deliberate practice?
-Deliberate practice, according to Ericsson et al., is described as participation in highly structured activities designed to increase performance in a domain through instant feedback, that demand a high level of focus, and that are not intrinsically enjoyable.
What are the 2 categories of OCB and what are their dimensions?
- OCBI-> Benefit of the Individual
7 dimensions: altruism, peacekeeping, cheerleading, interpersonal helping, interpersonal facilitation, helping co-workers and interpersonal harmony constructs. - OCBO-> Benefit of the Organization
11 dimensions: compliance, civic virtue, sportmanship, organizational loyalty, endorsing, supporting, defending organizational objectives , job dedication, voice behaviour, taking charge, promoting the company’s image constructs.
What are the effects of OCB on the Individual level?
- OCB-like behaviours are positively related to both performance evaluations and reward recommendation decisions.
- OCBs are negatively correlated to both employee turnover intentions and actual turnover-employees exhibit lower levels of OCBs would also be those who exhibit lower attendance levels at work.
What are the Potential Moderators of Individual-Level OCBs?
- Source of rating as a potential moderator: When OCBs and performance ratings are obtained from the same source, the observed relationship between the ratings may reflect not only “true” systematic variation among these variables, but also systematic variation due to factors such as implicit performance theories, consistency motifs, and the rater’s leniency biases.
- OCB target as a potential moderator: OCBOs and
OCBIs might have differential relationships with at least some antecedents of OCBs. Managers pay more attention to OCBOs than to OCBIs in making performance evaluations and reward allocation decisions.
What are the effects of OCB at the Unit and/or Organizational Level?
- OCBs might enhance unit- or organizational-level measures of effectiveness. OCBs are positively related to a variety of unit or organizational effectiveness measures, including production quantity, efficiency, profitability, and the reduction of costs
- OCBs may also influence external effectiveness measures, such as customer satisfaction. Teamwork and cooperation among coworkers allows the group to deliver their goods or services more effectively. Conscientious and courteous employees should increase customer satisfaction. civic virtue or voice behaviour by providing ideas on how to improve customer service. Peacekeeping and sportsmanship help the team focus its energies on customer-service-related activities.
- OCBs are related to
group cohesiveness and that group cohesiveness is related to employee turnover. unit-level OCBs are negatively related to unit-level turnover.
What are “incentives”?
-incentives “are plans that have predetermined criteria and standards, as well as understood policies for determining and allocating rewards. (Extrinsic incentives are motivating only to the extent that an individual believes attaining the incentive is instrumental toward other things of value)
What is the undermining effect?
-The undermining effect refers to the idea that the presentation of incentives on an initially enjoyable task reduces subsequent intrinsic motivation for the task.