Week 19 Flashcards
[Jagger] Neoliberalism
return to the ideas of liberalism of the 17th & 18th century.
-less government regulation, free markets, trickle down economics, no social welfare, privatization of public services.
[Jagger] Globalization
any system of transcontinential travel & trade; today this now includes integration into the WTO.
[Schroeder] Feminization of Employment-
last few decades have seen millions of women enter the workforce; Accelerated by globalization of trade.
-2008, roughly 1.2 billion of the worlds 3 billion workers were women; They make up the majority of the worlds working poor, best seen in FTZ factories; Indigenous & people of colour are employed disproportionately here.
-There are good things & bad things about these FTZs
[Schroeder] Governments
Governments need to encourage better labour practices & compliance at factories; nations must condemn mistreatment of workers & support policies of fair wages, dignified work. Freedom of assembly, gender equity.
[Harrison]- the strategies
the strategies for ‘delivering’ & ‘stabilizing’ developing world societies from collapsing economies are informed by an ideology that seeks to widen the social & economic gap between rich & poor.
cuts created by governments to limit public spending; these policies sacrifice the middle class & poor’s needs most gravely
Transnational capital exploits more than it benefits the country; Trickle down economics doesn’t work.
Things to Work on
-Gender inequality in globalization; The structural injustices & at times structural violence of globalization affects women disproportionately.
-Neoliberalism with its roots in classical liberalism also has overt tendencies of colonialism, racism, Eurocentrism, sexism, classism, ect.
-Capitalism meets patriarchy under the guise of neoliberalism- the policies of neoliberalism affect developing world, poor, non-white women the most.