Week 16 Flashcards
Patricia Hill Collins
-Wrote Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment
-Looks to ideas from Angela Davis, Alice Walker, Bell Hooks, Kimberle Williams Crenshaw & Audre Lorde; First book to incorporate literature of & by African-American women
-Discussion of how oppressions mutually construct systems of power;Matrix of domination
-Black women’s experiences with these intersecting systems provides analysis that can be extended to marginalized others.
Black Feminist Thought-Basics
-Ideas of black women clarifying the situation of black women for everyone & black women
-Black women have a unique standpoint/perspective living through these intersections
-They have commonalities & yet are diverse- class, region, age, sexual orientation, religion, etc.
-Focus on how systems of oppression interlock to form a structure of domination.
-All forms of oppression devalue the subjectivity of the oppressed; Objectification of the dominated
-The need for self-definition, self-valuation & black female-centred- defining & valuing one’s consciousness in the face of images that foster an “objectified other” is a significant way to overcome the “otherness” created by white men & resisting dehumanization that is essential to systems of dominance & oppression
Racialized Definition
Power dynamics in white dominant societies where only non-white people are presumed to have race.
Black Feminism- Collins’ Matrix of Domination
Matrix of Domination- How intersections of injustice & oppression are organized (Sociologically); They shape human action & interaction (privilege)
-The matrix of domination consists of varying combinations of intersecting oppression such as race, gender, socioeconomic status, age, religion & sexuality.
-People experience & resist oppression on 3 levels: personal, cultural/community, & social institutions.
Collin’s Matrix of Domination/ 4 interrelated domains
the way structural, disciplinary, hegemonic, & interpersonal domains of power reappear across quite different forms of oppression.
Black Feminism- 4 Interrelated Domains
Structural domain
Disciplinary domain
Hegemonic domain
Interpersonal domain
Structural domain
has the function of organizing power & oppression
Disciplinary domain
has the function of managing oppression so as to sustain it
Hegemonic domain
has the function of legitimizing oppression by dominant group
Interpersonal domain
has the function of controlling the interactions & consciousness of individuals
Black Feminism- 3 sites of experiencing & resisting oppression
Social Institutions
personal biography & consciousness; the fundamental area where new knowledge can generate; emphasize power of self-definition & necessity of free mind
Cultural/ Community
experiences & ideas we share with other which give meaning to the personal biographies because it is rooted in a context; group validation; culture of resistance
Social institutions
controlled by dominant groups (e.g., schools, churches, media outlets); represent dominant ideas & interests; need to challenge the information
Black Feminism
-All black women are in this matrix of domination but the differences in the intersections of oppression create unique experiences & perspectives
-Empowerment involves rejecting the dimensions of knowledge that perpetuate objectification & dehumanization
-Notice: there is optimism! She constantly speaks to resistance & empowerment
-gaining truth & knowledge by dialogue & empathy