Week 1.4 - Biophysical Neuronal Models and Neurodynamics Flashcards
What does this equation represent?

This is the Nernst equation. It describes the equilibrium potential of a single ion type. (e.g. Na+, K+)
Remember that the [square brackets] represent concentration and R, T, z and F are all constants
What do we mean by stating that the cell membrane is
It means that not everything can pass or diffuse across the lipid membrane.
There are large molecules that cannot cross the membrane via ion channels, such as negatively charged proteins that contribute to the negativity of the resting potential.

In a passive cellular membrane that is taken away from Vrest, what are the 2 constants that contribute to how fast V returns to Vrest?
Membrane capacitance (Cm)
& Leak Resistance (Rleak)
Their product is tau, the ‘membrane time constant’.
dV/dt = (V-Vrest)/(Cm*R)
What are leak channels?
Leak channels are passive ion channels. They are either always open, or they randomly (not as a function of voltage) open and close.

What is conductance? And how is it related to resistance?
Conductance (g) expresses how easy it is for the ions to flow through the cell membrane.
It is the reciprocal of resistance. That is,
g = 1/R
How can we model the process of V tending to Vrest ?
With an ordinary differential equation
For the passive membrane;
dv/dt = -gleak(V-Vrest)/C
What is the driving force when a cell is at equilibrium?
( V = Vrest )
What do gating variables represent?
The proportion of ion channels in a certain state (e.g., open/close).
So they take values between [0,1] .
The conductance of an ion type is a function of …
Its maximum conductance and the state of the respective gating variables.
For example for Na+ we have;

Why does capacitance (Cm ) affect the rate of change of membrane potential (V)?
Capacitance measures how well the membrane can store charge.
The better the cell can store charge, the slower the charge is releases.
What is a model? List and discuss three desirable features of a model
A model is a representation for a phenomenon under study.
Accuracy, Predictive ability, Understandability. The desirable features are often in contradiction.
What is a model? A good model?
A model is a representation. A good model is - representative, explanatory, consistent with other known models, predictive, quantifiable, simple, accurate. It encompasses phenomena qualitatively and gauges importance.
What is a dynamical system? What is a state? What is a state variable? What is a phase space?
A dynamical system - a system whose state evolves over a state/phase space with time according to some fixed rule. What a system will do in the future is a function of where it is now.
A phase space (same as state space) is a set of all possible states (configurations) of a dynamical system.
A state of a system corresponds to a point in the state space.
A state variable is one of the variables that describe the current state of a dynamical system. State variables together fully define the state of the system.
Regarding the differential equation plotted in this graph. From the left to the right, what are the types of equilibria we observe?

attractor, repellor, attractor
stable, unstable, stable
Regarding the differential equation plotted in this graph. There are three intersections. What do we call them?

Fixed points.
Regarding the following differential equation:
What happens with the equilibria if the F(V) is multiplied by 2?
What happens to the equilibria if we multiply F(V) by -1?

If F(V) is multiplied by 2, the equilibria will not change their stability. However, the particle will move faster through the phase space.
On the other hand, if F(V) is multiplied by -1, the stability of the equilibria will change. We will end up with two repellers and one attractor.
What is the difference between a parameter and a state-variable?
Give examples of parameters and state variables of a Hodgkin-Huxley neuron model.
The state variable represents the current state of the model.
A parameter is constant over time (or changes slowly).
State variables of HH are: membrane voltage and gating variables of sodium (m, h), and potassium (n)
Some parameters of the HH model: Nernst potentials (E_Na, E_leak, E_K); capacitance, leak conductance, current input, maximum conductances.
From the neurodynamics perspective, what causes a spike?
A spike appears due to the imbalance of two opposing processes.
- Positive feedback through sodium conductance (m) which increases the membrane potential
- Negative feedback through the inactivation of sodium channels and activation of potassium which reduces the membrane potential
Consider a neuron model whose membrane potential is governed by the differential equation in the graph below.
Describe what happens with the membrane potential when we perform the following sequence of manipulations:
- Clamp the voltage to the initial state V(0) and then release it.
- Add a current step of I = 5pA to the neuron.
- Next, we remove the added current.
* What is the name of the phenomenon described above?*

- Clamp the voltage to the initial state V(0) and then release it. → The rate of change for V(0) is negative, therefore the membrane potential would decrease and stop at the nearest attractor (equilibrium).
- We add a current step of I = 5pA to the neuron. → When we add a current of 5pA, two equilibrium points are destroyed. We would only be left with one stable attractor. Therefore, if we initialized at V(0), the membrane potential would be attracted toward a higher membrane potential with variable speed.
- We remove the added current. → If we remove the current step, the system regains two equilibria and we are left with two attractors and one repeller.
This type of change is a bifurcation. A bifurcation is a change such that when a parameter changes, the qualitative structure of the vector field changes dramatically (a fixed point is created or destroyed or changes its stability).
How is a model like a neuron? How is it not like a neuron?
A model is a representation of a neuron. It can reproduce spikes that look like the action potentials measured in reality. But at the same time, it is not like a neuron, because it is not made of the same matter.
In Neurodynamics:
A resting state of a neuron corresponds to…
A tonic spiking state of the neuron corresponds to…
…a stable equilibrium…
…a limit cycle attractor
What is a trajectory?
What is a flow?
A trajectory is a sequence of states a system can occupy.
A flow is a set of possible trajectories of a system.
What is a transient?
A trajectory before the system reaches a steady-state.
When can we simplify a multidimensional model?
When (1) introducing details does not contribute to the goal of the model and (2) computational costs outweigh the benefits