Week 13: Religious and Spiritual Aspects of Death and Dying Flashcards
Passengers who are alive are referred to as ______ on airplanes
What are 4 therapeutic rituals?
- rituals of continuity (continuing bond)
- rituals of transition (for them and for us)
- rituals of reconciliation (to ask forgiveness)
- rituals of affirmation (to thank the deceased for his or her life)
Explain the thoughts on if death is a door or a wall
- Ancient greeks and the immortality of the soul
- Plato saw souls as being immortal (always was always will be)
- Humanist tradition sees death as the end
- Cryonic suspension
What percentage of people feels a religious component in a funeral in 2019?
What is the name given to the room where the body is placed?
Some memorial cards have what psalm on them
Religion provides what?
A means to reestablish the social order challenged by death
What is considered a life centered tradition?
What are some traditional burial customs for judaism?
- Forbids embalming, cremation, and autopsy (unless required by law)
- Body dressed in a shroud, men with prayer shawls
- Rending of garments to signify loss
- Shiv’ah, Sh-loshim, Yartzeit (anniversary/memorial candle)
What are some traditional burial customs for judaism?
- Forbids embalming, cremation, and autopsy (unless required by law)
- Body dressed in a shroud, men with prayer shawls
- Rending of garments to signify loss
- Shiv’ah, Sh-loshim, Yartzeit (anniversary/memorial candle)
> Kaddish prayer (essential part of mourning process) recited by mourners at a synagogue
What do these 3 terms mean in jewish tradition?
Reform: immortality of the soul
Conservative: respiration of the dead
Orthodox: Bodily resurrection and physical life after death
Explain the jewish law and the afterlife
- Dead must be buried in the earth
- No cremated remains are interred in a jewish cemetery
- Cremation is viewed as a form of rejection of the resurrection
- A link of paganism
- According to judaism; the body is owned by the creator not the person (body is to be buried)
- Judaism also prohibits such things as self-mutilation or tattoos
What are the traditional burial customs for islam
- Embalming, cremation, and autopsy are generally forbidden
- Body preparation (person of same gender) body placed in shroud
- Burial is simple and within 24 hours
- All people face a divine judgement
- Body position: body faces Mecca (doesn’t have to be casketed)
- Imam conducts the service
- Dead are mourned in mosques, not in funeral homes
- Close friend may climb into the grace and read instructions to dead in preparation of meeting with Allah
- a form of life remains in the grave
What are the traditional burial customs for christianity?
- Immortality of the soul - resurrection of the body and divine judgment (reward is heaven or hell)
- Funeral service or mass of Christian burial
- within 2-4 days after death
- Allows embalming, autopsy, and cremation
- Wake/prayer service held night before
- Extreme unction: anointing with holy oils
Saying a rosary during burial is what religions tradition?
What are the traditional burial customs for Hinduism?
- Humans (atman) an unborn, undying soul
- Soul is repeatedly reincarnated (it is right living that ends the rebirths and leads to peace)
- Key is to die with the name of god’s name on one’s lips
- Karma signifies the way of life
- Body Deposition: cremation and in some cases earth or water burial
- Cremation is a way of offering the body to God , the spirit is released
- Embalming does not occur. only people of the same caste can touch the body
- Mourning period, generally 10 days to a month
What are 3 possibilities after death in hinduism?
- Go to heaven and await rebirth
- Immediately reborn into another body (not always human)
- A state of eternal bliss with Brahmans
What are the traditional burial customs for Buddhism?
- After death a person is either reborn (transmigration) or enters nirvana
Traditional customs
- Embalming is allowed. Cremation is preferred
- Family wears white clothing in addition to an armband or headband
- Chanting or singing
- Offerings of fruit and flowers
- Death is a transition from one form to another
- Monk will conduct the service
What are the traditional burial customs for mormons?
- Life before birth (a forever backward and forward)
- Pre mortal existence
- Cremation is permitted, but not encouraged
- Officer of the church conducts the service
- Focus of funeral is on the bereaved not the deceased
What are the 3 divisions of heaving in mormonism?
Celestial, terrestrial, telestial
Highest level (families continue) celestial marriages are performed for time and all eternity
Explain the humanist funeral/memorial service secular
- Life centered funeral/memorial
- Focus is on the individual not religion
- Celebration of human goodness
- Officient conduct the funeral/memorial
- Funeral/memoial service will focus on the entire person good or bad
- Person lives on, not in terms of an afterlife, but in terms of their contributions to others
What is reincarnation?
A person or animal in whom a particular soul is believed to have been reborn.