Week 13 - GI Flashcards
What is a peptic ulcer?
A break in the mucosal lining, more than 5mm diameter and depth to the submucosa
What skin conditions is associated with coeliac disease?
Dermatitis herpetiformis
What infection might patients with cirrhotic liver disease get?
Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis - associated with spontaneous infection of ascites
What is an acute abdomen?
Sudden onset of severe abdominal pain of less than 24 hours duration.
RUQ- biliary colic, acute cholangitis
RIF - ectopic pregnancy, acute appendicitis, ovarian cyst
What are consequences of peptic ulceration?
Haemorrhage, perforation, fibrosis
What characterises diffuse gastric cancer?
Linitis plastica (leather bottle stomach) (also has signet ring cells- malignancy with mucin vacuoles)
What drug is a risk factor for gallstones?
What tumour marker would indicate pancreatic cancer?
What tumour marker is present in colorectal cancer?
Carcinomembryonic antigen
What tumour marker is present in hepatocellular carcinoma?
What score assesses severity of liver cirrhosis?
Child-turcotte-pugh score
What antibiotic is used in spontaneous bacteria peritonitis?
What hepatitis is associated with travel?
Hepatitis A
What type of vaccine is the hepatitis A?
Inactivated virus
What can Hepatitis E cause in pregnant women?
Fulminant hepatitis
What does Hep D need to survive?
Hepatitis B
What might augmentin cause?
Acute cholestatic hepatitis
Give an example of a liver cyst.
Von meyenberg complex (simple biliary hamartoma)
What can itching be a sign of? (GI)
Primary biliary cirrhosis
What might coeliac disease cause?
Enteropathy associated T cell lymphoma
What does T3 mean?
Invasion through the muscular propria and into the sub-serosa or non-peritonelaised pericolic tissue
What condition might present with aphthous oral ulcers?
Ulcerative colitis
What drugs would you give in a patient with frequently severe relapses of UC? and what is a risk of it?
Risk of lymphoma
What is Crohn’s disease?
Chronic, transmural, inflammatory granulomatous disease from mouth to anus.