week 13 Flashcards
What is abuse vs dependence
Abuse: pathological use of substance resulting in potentially hazardous behavior and continued use despite persistent social psychological, occupational, or health problems
Dependence: more severe maladaptive pattern of substance use associated with. Psychological dependence (forceful, subjective urges to use substances often to reduce negative mood. Tolerance and withdrawal)
What is tolerance
Need for increased amounts of a substance to achieve the desired effect
Results from biochemical changes in the body that affect the rate of metabolism and elimination of the substance from the body
What is withdrawal
Occurs because the body and brain has changed in response to chronic drug use and is now not prepared to function without drug
Symptoms vary by drug but:
Marked changes in body temperature
Marked changes in heart rate
Seizures, tremors
Depression, irritability
What are the criteria for a substance use disorder?
A problematic pattern of substance use leading to clinically significant impairment or distress, as manifested by two (or more) of the following, occurring any time in the same 12-month period
Taking the substance in larger amounts or for longer than they you meant to
Wanting to cut down or stop but can’t
Spending a lot of time getting, using or recovering from use of the substance
Cravings and urges to use the substance
Not managing to do what you should at work, home or school
Continuing to use when it causes problems
Giving up important social occupational or recreational activities
Using substances again and again even when it puts you in danger
Continuing to use even when knowing you have a physical problem that is made worse by the substance
What negative consequences are associated with alcohol use?
Over 40% of the deaths suffered in car accidents each year
40-50% of all murders
40% of assaults
50% of rapes
⅓ of all arrests
Impair ability to fully consider situation
Impairs ability to think of consequences
What are acute effects of alcohol intoxication
More outgoing, less anxious
Inhibitory centers in prefrontal cortex “put to sleep”
Motor coordination impaired, speech slurred
Sadness, stupor
sleepy , blackout
What variables are associated with increased risk of alcohol use problems?
Higher levels of education
Being older
Genetic inheritance
Psychosocial factors
Failures in parental guidance
Psychological vulnerability
Stress, tension reduction and reinforcement
Expectations of social success
Disturbed martial and other intimate relationships
sociocultural factors
What is the common neural pathway associated with substance-use disorders?
Mesocorticolimbic pathway
What are the treatments for alcohol problems which are most effective?
Medications to block desire to drink
Medication to lower side effects of withdrawal
Treat co-occurring health and mental health problems
Antabuse disulfiram
Valium or tranquilizers to reduce side effects
Group therapy
Environmental intervention
Motivational interviewing
Alcoholics anonymous
What is controlled drinking?
a tool meant to motivate people to reduce alcohol use or give it up altogether by using moderation
What are the different opiates? What are their immediate effects
Immediate effects
Alleviation of physical pain
Relaxation and pleasant reverie
Alleviation of anxiety and tension
Euphoric spasm
How do stimulants exert their effects (via what neurotransmitter)
Blocks dopamine reuptake
Feelings of power and confidence (short term)
What are the different hallucinogens? What are their immediate effects
Immediate effects
Altered sensory perceptions
Mystical experiences
How is ecstasy different from other hallucinogens
It is like a stimulant like meth
Has a rush and well-being, increased sensory experiences
Long term use= memory loss, possible brain damage
What are the immediate effects of marijuana?
Increased feelings of well-being
Heightened perceptual activity
Disrupted memory