Week 12 - Video games and cognitive performance Flashcards
What does video/computer game
playing do to you?
• Focus on the negative aspects of video or
computer game playing
– violence and aggression
• Positive impact of video/computer games
– Effect on cognition
– Effect on neural activation
Study 1
Video games can be good for you
Green and Bavelier (2003)
• Regularly playing action video games
improved performance on spatial and temporal
attention tasks & enhanced overall attentional
• Improved attentional performance found for both
– VGPs: regular video game players (playing on
average 4 one-hour periods per week)
– NVGPs: novice video game players trained for 10
one-hour periods compared to the control group that
played a less attentionally-demanding computer
game for the same training time
Review of Green and Bavelier (2003)
what are the questions asked by the above studied?
• Are there differences in visual attention skills
for regular video game players compared to
non-video games players?
• What happens to the visual attention skills of
non-video game players if they are trained on
action video games?
Tasks of Green and Bavelier (2003)
• Experiments 1-4 - differences between video
game players and non-video game players
across Tasks 1-4
• Experiment 5 - performance of non-video
game players after they had been trained on
an action game or a non-action game.
– Tasks 2-4 were used in this experiment.
– Participants were tested on these tasks before
training and after training.
Flanker Compatibility Task
Green and Bavelier (2003)
• measures attentional capacity
• Six rings are shown on the computer screen
on each trial (100 ms)
• Participants decide if either a diamond/square
(targets) was shown
• Ignore distractor shapes presented outside
one of the six rings.
Flanker Compatibility Task 2
Green and Bavelier (2003)
• Time taken to indicate “square/diamond” is
measured from the time the rings are
• 50% of trials the target and distractor
represent the same shape (compatible
• 50% of trials the target and distractors are
different shapes (incompatible condition).
• Vary the number of distractor items shown
within the circles (0, 1, 3 or 5)
Flanker Compatibility Task
(Green and Bavelier (2003))
• Distractor Effect = RT difference between
targets with incompatible distractors and
targets with compatible distractors
• Size of this distractor effect = index of
residual attentional resources
• Larger distractor effect = larger capacity of
residual attentional resources
Flanker Compatibility Task 4
Green and Bavelier (2003)
• Flanker compatibility task is easy => distractor
effect is large BUT when task difficulty ↑ this
effect reduces in magnitude.
– Easy condition - attentional resources free to
process the distractors
– Task difficulty increases - less residual attentional
resources for processing irrelevant distractors
• If video game playing enhances attentional
resources then VGPs should show larger
distractor effects than NVGPs
Enumeration Task
Green and Bavelier (2003)
• Between 1 and 12 squares are presented on
the screen for 50 milliseconds
• Participants’ task - indicate the number of
squares shown on each trial
• Number of items apprehended at the same
time without error = subitizing range
• Subitizing range - a measure of attentional
• Most adults - value is 3 or 4 items
Enumeration Task 2
Green and Bavelier (2003)
• Enumeration task also examines accuracy
when counting is used
• If video game playing enhances attentional
capacity then VGPs should have a larger
subitizing range and be more accurate at
counting than NVGPs
Useful Field of View Task
Green and Bavelier (2003)
• examines spatial attention
• Participants are briefly presented (6 or 12
msec) with an array of 8 intersecting lines that
form spokes of a circular wheel.
• The task is to indicate the spoke on which the
target (triangle within a circle) is located.
• Spatial attentional demand is manipulated by
↑’ing the degree to which the target is
removed from the centre of the visual field
(10, 20 or 30 deg from centre)
Useful Field of View Task 2
Green and Bavelier (2003)
• If playing action video games enhances
spatial attention then VGPs would be more
accurate than NVGPs in locating the target
Attentional Blink Task
Green and Bavelier (2003)
• measure of attention over time
• Participants presented sequentially with a
rapid stream of letters in the same spatial
• Letters are shown for 15 msec and the next
letter appears 100 msec from the time the
previous letter appears
• Most letters in the stream are distractors• measure of attention over time
• Participants presented sequentially with a
rapid stream of letters in the same spatial
• Letters are shown for 15 msec and the next
letter appears 100 msec from the time the
previous letter appears
• Most letters in the stream are distractors
Attentional Blink Task 2
Green and Bavelier (2003)
• Identify/detect 2 targets letters within the stream • Target 1 is a white letter – identify • Target 2 is “X” – was X present or absent?
Attentional Blink Task 3
Green and Bavelier (2003)
• Target 1 and Target 2 are separated by a
long time interval (e.g., 500 msec) then both
targets are easily identified/detected
• When the two targets are separated by ~ 200
msec => impaired ability to detect/report the
second target even though high accuracy for
Target 1
Attentional Blink Task 4
Green and Bavelier (2003)
• Performance decrement in the ability to
report/detect the second target = Attentional
Blink (AB) (Raymond, Shapiro & Arnell, 1992).
• AB - if the two targets follow one another
closely in time (100-300 msec) attentional
resources are tied up processing Target 1
when Target 2 is shown
• Target 2 does not get processed and this
leads to impaired Target 2 report.
Attentional Blink Task 5
Green and Bavelier (2003)
• If video games enhance temporal attention
then VGPs should show a reduced attentional
blink compared to NVGPs
Experiment 5
Green and Bavelier (2003)
• Effect of video game training on attention
• Two groups: action video game and nonaction
control game
• Stage 1: Participants tested on enumeration
task, useful field of view task and attentional
blink task (pre-test).
• Stage 2: Participants completed 10 x 1 hour
sessions playing either Medal of Honor or
Tetris (training).
• Stage 3: Participants tested on three tasks as
for Stage 1 (post-test).
of experiment 5
(Green and Bavelier (2003))
• No group difference apparent at pre-test
(stage 1).
• If training on action video games enhances
attention then participants in the Medal of
Honor group should perform better than the
participants in the non-action video game
(Tetris) on all three tasks at post-test.