Week 12: Pathophysiology of Heart Failure Flashcards
Why does heart failure occur?
An insufficiency of cardiac output to meet the metabolic demands of the tissue
What are the 2 variables determining Heart rate and the 3 determining stroke volume?
Those that effect heart rate
Sympathetic tone
Parasympathetic tone
Those that effect stroke volume
Contractility (Is the ability of the myocardial cells to generate force. A decline in contractility is the most common cause of heart failure)
Preload (the degree of stretch of myocardial fibres prior to contraction)
Afterload (the load against which the myocardial fibres shorten during contraction)

What are the 3 things which ventricular wall stress is dependent on?
Ventricular pressure (P)
Ventricular radius (r)
Ventricular thickness (h)
For a failing heart, any increase in ventricular pressure (due to rise in arterial blood pressure) or ventricular radius (ventricular radius increases causing volume overload) will result in an _____
An increase in wall thickness wall stress
increased wall stress
the greater the wall stress, the greater the _____ demand of the ventricle wall (as more energy is required to oppose the force)
What is cardiac reserve?
the difference between resting cardiac output and maximum cardiac output
What are the two main classifications for heart failure?
Acute (Sudden onset which requires hospitalizations and urgent therapy. E.g. as with the reduced cardiac output during a myocardial infarction)
Chronic (Symptoms are continuous, CO slowly decreases, It is progressive in nature and does not improve over time. Majority of heart failure cases are this type)
What are the 3 common causes for heart failure?
Coronary artery disease (65%)
Is the most common cause as it usually results in a myocardial infarction
Contractile myocytes are then lost, decreasing the contractility of the heart
The remaining myocytes will remodel and try to take over, but eventually as they are working far beyond their scope they will fail
Hypertension (30%)
Dilated cardiomyopathy (5 – 10%)
Is a condition characterised by the hearts reduced ability to pump blood
This is caused by myocardial defects (could be from congenital defects or drug and alcohol abuse)
What are the 2 dysfunctions that heart failure cause?
Systolic dysfunction (reduced systolic performance)
Diastolic dysfunction (reduced diastolic performance)
What are 3 pathophysiological factors which typically cause heart failure? and which are the cause of systolic dysfunction and diastolic dysfunction?
Impaired ventricular contractility (like in MI or chronic volume overload)
Increased afterload (chronic hypertension forcing the myocytes to do more work causing deuteriation)
If 1 or 2 – these will cause systolic dysfunction
Impaired ventricular relaxation and filling (ageing causing fibrosis, restrictive cardiomyopathy – causes diastolic dysfunction
What is the ejection fraction?
Is the fraction of end diastolic volume (EDV) that is ejected during one systole
The ejection fraction is basically the ratio between Stroke Volume : End Diastolic Volume
Stroke volume is the amount of blood ejected, that is the difference between End Diastolic Volume and End Systolic Volume
End Diastolic Volume is the amount of blood within the chambers after ventricular filling
If a patient has diastolic dysfunction, will the ejection fraction be increased or reduced or normal?
will be normal
If a patient has systolic dysfunction will the ejection fraction be increased or reduced or normal?
What is systolic dysfunction?
Is when there is an issue with the myocardial contraction causing significantly diminished cardiac output and ejection fraction
basically from the inability of the cardiac muscle to contract (reduced inotropy)
The ventricles are still getting filled, but the force of contraction is less, reducing the stroke volume which in turn obviously reduces the cardiac output
what are the causes for systolic dysfunction and what do they lead to (in terms of myocyte health)
Myocardial Infarction
Coronary Artery Disease
Any other coronary disorder (e.g. valvular disorders, chronic hypertension etc.)
these lead to:
loss of myocytes, abnormal myocyte function, reduced ATP production or down regulation of sympathetic receptors (beta1) by overstimulation
What morphological and functional changes will occur due to systolic dysfunction?
The most clear and obvious change will be a reduced ejection fraction (below 40%)
Other changes include;
- Increased end systolic volume Because the heart is not able to contract well enough to eject the entire ventricular volume)
- Increased end diastolic volume As not all the blood is ejected from the ventricle, the filling causes increased end diastolic volume
- Decreased end systolic pressure As the myocytes are not able to generate as much force
- Increased left ventricular cavity size This is caused by chronic volume overload
- Decreased ventricular wall thickness This increasers the wall tension
- A prominent S3 sound will be heard As there is excess turbulence when new diastolic blood is mixed with the blood left over from the previous contraction
what is diastolic dysfunction?
Is characterised by an inability of the ventricles to relax, causing a diminished ventricular filling
the heart failure caused by inadequate ventricular filling, due to inability of the cardiac muscle to relax (reduced lusitrophy) usually caused by fibrosis (or due to lesions that reduce inflow)
This obviously decreases the preload of the myocytes, the stroke volume and inevitably the cardiac output
What is systolic dysfunction associated with and the causes for it?
increased stiffness (from myocardial fibrosis), ischemia (reduced ATP which facilitates relaxation), external force (pericardial disease),
Commonly results due to chronic hypertension, ageing, ischemic heart disease etc
What are the morphological and functional changes that arise due to diastolic dysfunction?
The most obvious is a normal ejection fraction
Other changes include;
Decrease in End Diastolic Volume As it can’t relax meaning filling time is reduced
Elevated left atrial volume Caused by high pressure in ventricle during diastole, forcing blood back into the atria (high intraventricular pressure)
Increased wall thickness
aggravated by increased heart rate as it further reduces diastolic time
S4 heart sound is common
Late diastole, as the atrial contraction forces blood into a non-compliant left ventricle This causes increased turbulence
What are the 3 compensatory mechanisms for chronic heart failure?
- Rise in sympathetic nervous system activity
- Increase in the preload via neurohormonal responses (mainly RAAS)
- Myocardial Hypertrophy and Remodelling
- Eventually these compensatory responses will further decline the heart function, causing a decompensated failure
Describe the mechanism for the compensatory mechanism of the rise in sympathetic nervous system activity and what complication does this create for the heart?
- Heart failure results in decreased cardiac output which causes a drop-in blood pressure
- The baroreceptors within the aortic arch and carotid sinus artery sense this drop and signal the CNS to increase SNS tone and decrease PNS tone in order to resist the change to homeostasis
- This increases the heart rate, increases the contractility (which raises the CO back to normal)
- At the same time, this SNS also increases the peripheral vascular resistance through vascular constriction (by alpha1 receptors)
- Whilst these changes do help to maintain homeostasis, they also increase afterload and oxygen demand which causes further deterioration (as the heart is made to do more work)
Describe the mechanism for the compensatory mechanism of the increase in the preload and what complication does this create for the heart?
- As a result of the heart failure there is a reduced cardiac output
- This reduced cardiac output means there is a reduced blood supply to the organs, especially to the kidney
- When the kidney blood supply goes down, it causes a reduction in GFR which recognises the reduced blood supply, and so triggers the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone-System through the juxtaglomerular apparatus
- This angiotensin 2 (potent vasoconstrictor), ADH and aldosterone cause sodium and so water retention and vasoconstriction
- This increases blood volume and therefore increases Blood Pressure
- The preload will then increase, causing increased stretching (Frank-Starling mechanism) which increases the force of contraction
As a result, cardiac output is normalised
- As with the above, whilst this change may maintain homeostasis, the increased preload or increased end diastolic volume will cause an increase in the ventricle wall stress (causing further deterioration) eventually leading to a decompensated state
- This will also increase myocardial O2 demand causing further deterioration+
Describe the mechanism for the compensatory mechanism of the myocardial hypertrophy and remodelling and what complication does this create for the heart?
- Whether it is systolic or diastolic dysfunction heart failure, there is increased myocardial wall stress
- This stress is a stimulus for hypertrophy, causing myocytes hypertrophy to occur
- This means more contractile filaments and so proteins will develop in each myocyte
- This will therefore increase the force of contraction of the myocardium, increasing the cardiac output
- This myocardial hypertrophy is also stimulated by SNS activation, aldosterone and angiotensin 2 (factors which also stimulate fibroblast and macrophage activity)
whilst this change initially is helpful in reducing the wall stress, eventually the fibroblast and macrophage activation will cause fibrosis of the myocardium and other adverse remodelling to occur
Differentiate between the 2 types of myocardial hypertrophy in heart failure
- Concentric hypertrophy
- Is caused by the chronic pressure overload caused by diastolic dysfunction
- This increases the stress on the myocytes during systole, causing the replication of sarcomeres parallel (to make the force of contraction stronger)
- This causes the ventricle lumen to decrease in size as the wall gets thicker so that more systolic force can be generated - Eccentric hypertrophy
- Is caused by the chronic volume overload caused by systolic dysfunction
- This increases the stress on the myocytes to be increased, causing the replication of sarcomeres in series (next to each other) so the ventricle can accommodate more blood
- This causes the ventricle to widen, causing abnormal lengthening and dilation
- The walls are therefore thin, and disproportionate

Why is exercise induced hypertrophy of the heart not bad?
exercise induced hypertrophy where both pressure and volume overload is equal, causing uniformed hypertrophy across the ventricle (as well as the lack of aldosterone, Angiotensin 2 stimulus)

What are 5 changes that the myocytes undergo due to chronic heart failure
- Inefficient intracellular calcium handling
- They won’t be able to move calcium back into SR or outside the cell
- This causes intracellular calcium to increase, reducing the ability of the myocytes to contract as well as causing them to become less sensitive - Adrenergic desensitization
- As there is too much stimulation by the catecholamines, desensitizing them and reducing their responsiveness
- Myocytes therefore don’t contract normally to increased SNS tone - Expression of proteins
- With the excessive stimulation by growth factors (aldosterone, angiotensin 2, ADH) there is alteration in the expression of various proteins
- This causes abnormal contractile proteins to arise (causing deterioration in its function), ion channels etc. - Hypertrophy
- Increased sarcomeres etc. - Apoptosis
- So many changes occur to the myocytes that apoptosis occurs
- For example it is by increased catecholamines, angiotensin 2, inflammatory cytokines etc.
What is the one compensatory mechanism that will not lead to any detrimental effect over time and is good?
and explain the mechanism
- With heart failure, there will be an increase in ANP and BNP
- The mechanism of ANP and BNP is as follows;
- ANP is secreted by the right atria and is stimulated by stretch (when the atria stretches)
- When there is heart failure, volume overload and fluid retention cause the atria to stretch
- This releases ANP
- As the ventricles are stressed as well, they start to produce and secrete BNP
- Both ANP and BNP cause diuresis (more sodium and water excretion) which is caused by decreased ADH, decreased renin, decreased aldosterone, increased GFR and decreased blood pressure
- To some extent, this mechanism does help the patient, however it is not good enough to completely balance out the other 3 compensatory mechanisms
- It is important to note that BNP is not detected in normal hearts and so is a useful marker for ventricular myocardium stress
- Whilst the administration of synthetic natriuretic peptides like nesiritide produces a beneficial haemodynamic effect in acute heart failure, It has since been associated with an increased risk of death (we don’t know the reason)

What are the two main causes of the symptoms that are a result of heart failure
- Low cardiac output
- Causes inadequate tissue perfusion - Fluid retention
- The sodium and water retention eventually cause elevated venous pressures and eventually congestion
Which side of heart failure is more common?
left sided
What are some of the forward failure symptoms of heart failure
- Nocturia
- Is the increased nightly urine output
- Occurs relatively early on in heart failure
- This is caused by increased SNS tone that directs reduced blood flow towards active tissues like skeletal muscles during the day
- At night, blood flow is then redistributed to the kidneys promoting renal perfusion and diuresis - Oliguria
- Is the reduced production of urine due to reduced cardiac output in late stage of heart failure, which reduces blood flow to the kidney - Fatigue and weakness
- Is due to the reduced blood pressure which diminishes skeletal muscle perfusion as well - Dulled mental status, confusion
- Is caused by reduced cerebral perfusion - Increased HR, restlessness, anxiety
- Increased sympathetic activity - Cheyne-Stokes respiration
- Is a late stage symptom
- It is caused by a reduction in Blood pressure which causes prolonged circulation time between the lungs and respiratory centres of the brain
- This interferes with the normal feedback mechanism of systemic oxygenation
- This results in periodic breathing (due to mixed feedback to brain)
Explain how pulmonary oedema is caused?
Left ventricle will have an increase accumulation of blood as it is unable to remove it.

- The pressure of the LV therefore rises, eventually causing the left atrium to be unable to empty its blood into the LV
- Blood therefore starts accumulating in the left atrium which eventually increases the pulmonary venous pressure
- This eventually causes pulmonary congestion, and increased pulmonary hydrostatic pressure, forcing fluid out and making it accumulate in the lung interstitial (causing pulmonary oedema)
- Thus it can be said, pulmonary oedema is caused by the backward failure effect of left sided heart failure
What are some of the backward symptoms of left sided heart failure? (x6)
- Dyspnea
- Is the hallmark symptom of LSHF
- Gets worse as their condition progresses
- Increased hydrostatic pressure makes fluid pass into the interstitium
- This causes reduced pulmonary compliance
- Compression of the bronchioles and alveoli
- Stimulation of J receptors which cause dyspnea
- Also, could be as a result of reduced oxygen supply to muscles (forward effect) - Orthopnea
- Is laboured breathing while lying flat, it is relieved by sitting upright
- This is caused by a redistribution of blood from the peripheries when standing, into the lungs when lying down - Cough
- Fluid is in lung irritating the lower respiratory tract - Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
- Is severe breathless at midnight
- The person sleeps well initially, however after a few hours he gets a bout of dyspnea
- This is caused by the oedema fluid from the lower extremities that was forced out by gravitational forces being reabsorbed into the circulation when lying down
- This causes an expansion of intravascular volume and increased venous return to the heart and lungs - Cyanosis
- Is the impaired pulmonary gas exchange
- Can be caused by extensive pulmonary oedema reducing oxygen perfusion
- Also can be caused by extensive venous desaturation causing very deoxygenated blood comparatively (as the tissues need so much)
- May be present in later stages due to reduced oxygenation - Basilar crackles
- Due to collected fluid causing abnormal sound
How does peripheral oedema occur?
- Right ventricle failure causes increased RV preload (from accumulation) and thus increased RA pressure, causing systemic venous congestion
- As the blood builds up in the systemic circulation peripheral oedema occurs (as blood cannot drain into inferior vena cava)

What are some of the back effects of RHSF? (x6)
- Hepatomegaly (enlarged liver)
- Ascites (fluid build-up in abdominal cavity)
- Splenomegaly (enlarged spleen)
- Decreased appetite, nausea (caused by gastrointestinal oedema)
- Peripheral oedema (especially in gravity dependant portions e.g. legs)
- Jugular vein distention (which drains directly into the superior vena cava)
Why do patients initially show no symptoms of heart failure but then later on?
this is due to the compensatory mechansims however, these compensations worse the situation over time due to the increase of the workload they create for the heart.
What are 4 stratergies/therapies that are used to improve cardiac output, minize congestion and cardiac workload
- Optimize preload
- Which reduces congestion and cardiac work load
- Can be done through reduced salt intake and diuretics
- This can be done via diuretics - Reduce afterload
- Vasodilatory drugs or intraoartic balloon pump - Improve contractility
- Positive ionotropic drugs (which increase calcium within the myocyte), O2 - Inhibit the effect of angiotensin 2 and SNS activation
- ACE inhibitors
- Beta blockers
What is circulatory failure?
acute failure of circulatory system - causes cell hypoxia. Caused by decreased cardiac function –> decreases blood volume
Explain why blood piles up in the pulmonary circulation
increase LV preload –> increase left atrial pressure –> increase pulmonary venous pressure –> causes pulmonary congestion –> increases hydrostatic capillary pressure –> diffusion into lungs
what is the formula for stroke volume?
End diastolic volume - end systolic volume
what is the formula for ejection fraction?
Stroke volume / End diastolic volume
Why is ejection fraction normal for diastolic dysfunction but decreased for systolic function?
Diastolic dysfunction both variables decrease at the same time (getting decreased blood filling and decrease blood output)
systolic dysfunction just stroke volume decreases therefore EJ will appear as its decreased
If John’s end-diastolic volume is 125ml and her end-systolic is 82ml , what is her EF?
125 - 82 = 43
43/125 = 34%
Whats the pathophysiology behind orthopnea and nocturnal dyspnea?
When you are normally walking around and sitting up right the lymphatics drain the fluid out of the lung easier with the help of gravity. When laying down the lymphatics don’t drain the fluid out as easily and therfore it accumulates in the lungs and peripherals
Explain the frank-starling law
Increase diastolic volume –> increases pre-load which increases stroke volume/cardiac output
(due to the stretching of the sarcomeres, creates more overlap and therefore more cross bridges are formed)
Draw a curve of frank starling law for a normal heart and failing heart

What key stimuli triggers concentric hypertrophy of the heart
pressure overload. This is from diastolic dysfunction, increase wall and decrease chamber space
What key stimuli triggers eccentric hypertrophy of the heart
Volume overload. From systolic dysfunction
whats the difference between compensated and decompensated heart failure?
Compensated heart failure is when you have no symptoms showing yet due to the body compensations. Decompensated is when symptoms start showing due to compensating mechanisms failing
What is the underlying pathophysiological cause for the following clinical manifestations of heart failure: hepatomegaly, jugular venous distension, and ascites (abnormal build up of fluid in abdomen).
systemic venous congestion
What is the underlying pathophysiological cause for the following clinical manifestations of heart failure: cheyne-stokes respiration
caused by reduction in blood pressure which causes prolonged circulation time between the lungs and respiratory centre of brain. Interefers with the feedback
What is the underlying pathophysiological cause for the following clinical manifestations of heart failure: nocturia in early stage
increase SNS tone that directs reduced blood flow towards active tissues like skeletal muscle during day. At night there is increased blood flow to kidneys promoting renal perfusion which results in diuresis.
What is the underlying pathophysiological cause for the following clinical manifestations of heart failure: oliguria as a late sign
reduced production of urine due to reduced cardiac output in late stage of heart failure, which reduces blood flow tao kidney.