Week 12 - int generated percepts Flashcards
FUNCTION of spontaneous experiences
1) conscience
2) memory
3) creativity
4) emotions
One possible use of REM in infants is
preparation for conscious experience - PROTOCONSCIOUSNESS
The creativity hypothesis of dreaming may suggest that dreams are _________
a BYPRODUCT of mind wandering –> sensory decoupling –> incr creativity –> will sill remember it bc AWAKE
Mediation refers to
a mental EXERCISE that requires relaxation, focus, awareness
Meditation is often saught after to get __________
personal growth
observe - mindfulness
remain aware - keep arousal high, not drowsy but relaxed
specific benefit i.e. improving memory, health, focus, creativity
Buddha preaches that ________ is cause of suffering and that all matters are ________
attachement - suffer
everything is NOT permanent
Trance dancing refers to _________
main goal is to produce an altered state of consciousness
William james believed that clear thinking // awarenss comes from
Being able to reset mind from wandering over and over
Trancendescence refers to
a decrease in ego centrism seeking peace with all beings
The HIGHEST stage of Maslows hierachy of needs is
Behavioral conditioning relates to meditation in that
We struggle to mediate bc we are prone to xxx ebhaviours, eating/sleep/ lala so cant just sit still, DO get better over time but sponteneous recovery occurs
Psychoanalysis and mediation relate
because it teaches is NON REACTIVITY - acknowledgs that uncosncious forces are presnet but we do not ACT on them, exit in our ;’breath’
Transcencede assoic w GREATER functional connectivty connectivity
incr EEG coherence, breathing slow/stops, unresponsive to jolting sitmuli, lower connectivity, less expr TAT responses
When we go INTO state
When we enter trans stae =
calm resotration of funct