week 12 environmental change Flashcards
suggests that humanity has become a force shaping the planetary system
the historical development of human civilizations significant climate stability and the evolution of the environment into its current state
includes biological and physical systems characterized by significant ecological feedbacks or by their importance to the sustenance of human life
earth system boundaries framework
defines the limits or boundaries within which humanity can safely operate and maintain a stable and resilient environment.
planetary boundaries
when we push it to far life on this planet stops
the ability to bounce back after a shock to a system
intervention into the environment to address human induced climate change
direct security risks
ozone depletion
climate change
indirect security risks
ocean pollution
population growth
ozone deplation
if the ozone layer is gone we have issues like skin cancer and even blindness where eighseight can get affected - sick population
will lead to scarcity - human suffering among rural poor overseas - regional conflicts sparked by scarcity
biodiversity loss
loss of undiscovered drugs, industrial materials, important chemical products
ipso facto
by that very fact
interstate “simple-scarcity”
the challenges and dynamics that arise between states when they compete for limited resources.
environmental stress
Water scarcity,
Such stressors can make certain areas uninhabitable or less viable for agriculture and living, prompting people to migrate
ex. syrian civil war had alot to do with drought