Week 11 Part 2 Flashcards
what are the 6 financial ratios?
gross margin
operating margin
inventory holding period
receivables holding period
payables holding period
current ratio
how to calculate gross/operating margin?
gross margin = (gross profit/sales) x 100
operating margin (operating profit/sales) x 100
expressed as percentages
how to calculate inventory/payables holding period?
IHP = (inventory/COGS) x 365
PHP = (payables/COGS) x 365
expressed as a number of days
how to calculate receivables holding period and current ratio?
RHP = (receivables/sales) x 365
current ratio = current assets/current liabilities
inventory holding period?
receivables holding period?
payables holding period?
IHP = average # of days inventory is held for
RHP = average # of days it takes for receivables to be collected
PHP = average # of days it takes to settle payables balances
current ratio?
ability to settle short term obligations
examples of current assets/liabilities?
CA = cash, inventory, receivables
CL = payables
examples of audit risks?
new client
receivables collection period has increased
inventory holding period has increased
current ratio has decreased
gross/operating profit margin has increased
inherent risk = ?
detection risk = ?
inherent risk = risk that is inherent in the business’ operations
detection risk = risk that the auditor may not detect an issue
control risk = risk that the auditor’s poor controls wont prevent issues
audit procedures for going concern?
1) analyse & discuss cash flow/profit/forecasts w/ management
2) review terms of loan agreements to spot any breaches
3) check board minutes for signs of financial difficulties
4) speak to lawyer about any potential litigation
5) review post y/e events to identify events impacting going concenr
6) check correspondence with customers to identify issues impacting receivables recoverability
7) check correspondence with suppliers to identify issues obtaining credit
8) check correspondence with bank to identify issues around bank loan
9) obtain written representation from management regarding future plans
purpose of reviewing FSs?
- ensure compliance with standards & regulations
- ensure accounting policies are disclosed and followed
- ensure FSs adequately reflect info & conclusions made in the audit
debenture = ?
long term debt instrument yielding a fixed rate of interest
at the end of an audit, does an auditor evaluate uncorrected mistakes?
written representation = ?
a written statement by management provided to the auditor to confirm certain matters or support audit evidence
purpose of written representation letter?
to provide evidence that those charged with corporate governance fulfilled the following duties:
- recorded all transactions
- provided auditor w/ all info
- prepared FSs appropriately
- confirmation of values
- confirmation of director’s judgement
objectives of an auditor?
to form an audit opinion on FSs
to express the opinion clearly through a written report
true & fair value = ?
- FSs adequately disclose the significant accounting policies
- estimates are reasonable
- info is relevant, reliable & understandable
- terminology used is appropriate
modified opinion?
unqualified opinion?
qualified opinion?
disclaimer of opinion?
adverse opinion?
modified = arises when there’s an error
unqualified = FSs are presented fairly
qualified = FS are presented fairly to an extent
adverse = FS aren’t presented fairly
disclaimer = no opinion is expressed
other information?
refers to information, other than FSs, included in the entity’s annual report that isn’t subject to audit
e.g., corporate governance statements, chariman’s report, operating & financial review
unmodified opinion = ?
provides reasonable level of assurance from the auditor that FSs present a true & fair view of events
emphasis of matter (EOM) = ?
a paragraph in the audit report that draws the users’ attention to a matter already disclosed in the FSs
testing internal controls = ?
obtain proof that the control was executed properly
substantive testing = ?
collect evidence that the journal entries are substantiated by source documents or other evidence
substantiate = ?
to give substance to
to give proof of