Week 11 Flashcards
what is the history of unethical research (5 main events/ studies)?
- NAZI MEDICAL EXPERIMENTS: unethical experiments/ torture, especially about ‘removing’ peoples disabilities. experiments were PAINFUL and participants were FORCED
- TUSKEGEE SYPHILIS STUDY: recruited poor, black men with syphilis, didn’t tell them what they had and gave them placebo treatments (leading to a lot of deaths and more infections)-shows how DECEPTION harms participation rates, and ruined TRUST
- RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS: experiments about nutrition WITHOUT CONSENTING (many coerced into participating+parent unaware)-many faced malnutrition
- MILGRAM EXPERIMENT: study about why people would participate in genocide (ex. why obey the nazis?)-fake electric chair experiment. it was DECEPTIVE and TRAUMATIZING
- STANFORD PRISON EXPERIMENT: mock prison where they became ‘guards’ or ‘prisoners’. guards could do whatever they wanted, became ABUSIVE
what are research ethics boards?
ORGANIZATIONS that attempt to ENSURE ETHICAL RESEARCH with HUMAN subjects(at uni’s and gov. agencies)-didn’t exist for historical studies
REB approval doesn’t=ethical research
what are the 3 key principles of REBs?
- RESPECT for PERSONS (all humans deserve respect-researchers need INFORMED consent)
- CONCERN for WELFARE (care about quality of subjects lives-physical+mental health), should protect against unnecessary risks
- JUSTICE (obligation to treat people FAIRLY and EQUITABLY)
what counts as human subject research?
doesn’t count: educational tests, primary/ secondary sources, observation of public events (no expectation of privacy), use of public info (ex. social media)
what are the 4 levels of research privacy?
- NONE: no privacy protection
- CONFIDENTIAL: researchers KNOW WHO YOU ARE can IDENTIFY YOU with records, but won’t identify you in their research (ex. subject 1 or a fake name)
- DEIDENTIFIED: after gathering data, researcher DESTROYS INDENTIFYING INFO about identities of participants (becomes anonymous-ish)
- ANONYMOUS: entire study you are unknown
where do REBs provide extra scrutiny of research?
populations with LIMITED CAPACITY to CONSENT (ex. kids, elderly, prisoners, etc.) and INDIGENOUS COMMUNITIES
what are the. research ethic concerns beyond the REB?
PLAGIARISM (intentional or not-copying/ stealing another’s research) and FRAUD (DECEIVING others about what you ACTUALLY DID for person gain ex. making up results)
what does medical ethics focus on?
RISK to INDIVIDUAL people (rather than groups/ communities) ex. not ethical to deny a patient standard treatment just to test a potential new treatment, can have serious effects on persons wellbeing