WEEK 11 Flashcards
- She was a former OFW in Singapore turned farmer, attended the Integrated Pest Management Farmers Field School and was introduced to Bt Corn, a genetically modified corn that is resistant to the destructive Asian corn borer.
- She also volunteered for demo-testing in her field. Bt Corn yielded 7.2 tons per acre as compared to a regular yield of 4.2 tons per hectare. No insecticide spraying was needed. This is one of the success stories of genetically modified organisms. (GMOs)
Rosalie Ellasus
- In 1951, he coined the term genetic engineering
- An author of the science fiction novel Dragon’s Island.
Jack Williamson
The process of genetic engineering where it may involve transfer of genes from other organisms is called?
The deliberate manipulation of the organism’s genes
What term is used for an organism created through genetic engineering?
Genetically Modified Organism (GMO)
Who defined GMO as an “organism, either plant, animal, or microorganism, in which the genetic material (DNA) has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally by mating or natural recombination.”
The World Health Organization (WHO, 2014)
A genetically modified plants to resist certain pests.
Example: Bt Corn. The DNA (genome) of the Bt Corn has been modified with the gene of Bacillus thuringiensis, a soil bacterium that produces proteins which are toxic to corn borers (worms).
Pest Resistance
A genetically modified plants to resist certain viruses.
Example: GM papaya or rainbow papaya. The papaya ringspot virus (PRSV) is known to be detrimental to papaya plants. The protein of PRSV was introduced to the papaya plant through plant tissue which turned out to be resistant to the virus itself. The effect was like the vaccines humans have against measles or influenza virus.
Virus Resistance
A genetically modified plants to tolerate herbicide.
Example: Roundup Ready Soybean. Glyphosate, an herbicide for weeds, was introduced to soybeans making it tolerant to the herbicide itself. Farmers then can spray the herbicide killing the weeds but not the soybeans.
Herbicide Tolerance
A genetically modified plants fortified with certain minerals.
Example: Golden Rice. Beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A, was introduced through biosynthesis genes to the rice, making the rice grains fortified with vitamin A.
A genetically modified plants resist natural discoloration.
Example: Arctic Apple. The apple variety was genetically modified to suppress the browning of apples due to superficial damage.
Cosmetic Preservation
A genetically modified organism that has higher yield in growth than normal species.
Example: AquAdvantage salmon. A gene from an ocean pout, an eel-like fish was introduced to Pacific Chinook salmon, making the salmon grow faster than its normal rate.
Increase Growth Rate
GMOs in Food and Agricultural Industries
- Pest Resistance
- Virus Resistance
- Herbicide Tolerance
- Fortification
- Cosmetic Preservation
- Increase Growth Rate
GMOs in flowers are seen in modified color and extended vases of life.
Example: Blue Roses. The so-called “blue” roses, which are, in reality, lilac or purple, contained cyanidin 3,5-diglucoside, together with large amounts of flavonols. The introduction of the flavonoid 31, 51-hydroxylase gene into pelargonidin- or cyanidin- producing rose cultivars diverts the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway toward the production of delphinidin glucosides and the flower color to blue (Elomaa & Holton, 1994).
Flower Production
A genetically modified characteristic of trees for higher yield of paper production.
Example: Poplar trees. Lignin is a complex polymer in trees that is removed from wood to make paper through a kraft process, through inserting genes that code for ferulic acid in young poplar trees, the lignin structure is modified, making lignin easier to breakdown (Veniza, 2014).
Paper Production
A modified plants to produce pharmaceutical products.
Example: Periwinkle plants. Bacterial genes were added to the periwinkle plant to enhance the production of vinblastine, an alkaloid usually added to drugs for cancer treatments like Hodgkin’s lymphoma (Runguphan, 2010).
Pharmaceutical Productions
A use of modified plants that can assist in the bioremediation of polluted sites.
Example: Shrub tobacco. Nicotiana glauca, or shrub tobacco genetically modified with phytochelatin TaPCSII, is used for bioremediation. It shows high level accumulation of zinc, lead, cadmium, nickel, and boron and produces high biomass.
A use of modified microorganisms that can produce enzymes for food processing and medicines.
Example of this is CGTase. Cyclomaltodextrin glycosyltransferase (CGTase), an enzyme used for food flavor enhancer, is produced in higher quantity by bacterium Bacillus which was genetically modified with the gene of a thermophilic anaerobe, , carrying CGTase (Pedersen & JorThermoanaerobactergensen, 1995).
Enzyme and Drug Production
A genetic engineering is playing a significant role from diagnosis to treatment of human-dreaded diseases. It helps in the production of drugs, gene therapy, and laboratory researches.
Example: Humulin, the genetically engineered insulin used by Type 1 diabetes patients who are insulin- dependent. In the past, insulin is extracted from the pancreases of pigs and cows that have caused allergic reactions to some diabetics using it.
GMOs in the Medical Field
GMOs in Non-Food Crops and Microorganisms
- Flower Production
- Paper Production
- Pharmaceutical Production
- Bioremediation
- Enzyme and Drug Production
- GMOs in the Medical Field