Week 10 - Using Consumer Knowledge to Analyse Food Diets and Nutrition Claims Flashcards
What do food diets contain?
Promise of a quick change, promotes ‘magic’ foods, implies that food can change body chemsitry, excludes or severly restricts food groups, has rigid rules that focus on weight loss, makes claims based on a single study or testimonies only
What can cutting food groups do to your body?
Causes deydration, weakness and fatigue, nausea, and headaches, constipation, inadequate mineral and vitamin intake, constipation.
What is the result of so many food diets and fads?
Many are unsure of what is healthy anymore, some having no idea.
Who are fad diets promoted by?
Celebrities, health gurus, famous chefs, people with something to gain from increased popualrity.
What is the misconception about gluten?
Is often seen as weight-gain foods, dangerous, and bad, hence try gluten free. yet, these foods often have added sugars and fats
What strategies are applied to sell fad diets?
Exaggeration of health benefits, lack of evidence to support claims, use of fear factors, building of pressure, use of scientific language, feeling of uniqueness
What are nutrient supplements?
Concentrated forms of one or many nutrients that are taken.
What is the misconception of nutrient supplements?
There are no health benefits for most because they are not kept in the body and are quickly passed, becoming a great expense with no gain.