Week 10; Power Bases Flashcards
one individual’s perception that the other has the capacity to dispense rewards or remove negative consequences
reward power
one persons perception that the other can dispense punishment or remove positive consequences
coercive power
one person perceives/believes that the other has legitimate right to prescribe what constitutes proper behaviour
legitimate power
one individual influences another as a result of identification
referent power
perception that a person has knowledge or expertise that is a source of power
expert power
power is relatively balanced, members are generally more cooperative
effects of unequal power
being moved by the joy and pain of others
involves self confidence and awareness of one’s influence
personal power
taking risk and admitting mistakes
willing to question themselves
willingness to confront oneself
interest in the well-being growth of others
sincerity and authenticity
knowing what you value and living by these standards
sense of identity