Week 10 - Healthy adolescents Flashcards
What are the stages of adolescent transitions?
Early - Puberty, sexual maturation, friendships
Middle - Physical environment, reliance on friends, peers
Late - Cognitive development, adult thinking
What are the transitions of adolescent transitions?
think schooling
Primary to secondary school to higher education
Education to workforce
Family to self-responsibility for health
Family living to autonomy, partnering, parenthood
Responsible citizenship
THINK: What are some major influences on adolescent health?
Neurocognitive development—adolescence a second
‘critical period’ in development
Developmental stage—early, mid, late teens differ
Social environment—new socio-cultural norms of
behaviour due to rapid communication (social
contagion, cyber bullying)
Family—parenting, family type, family supports
(health literacy, socio-economic position), transitions
Health and place—relational places (online), school
and community
Supports from all sources through adolescent
THINK: Developmental influences on social competence?
• Identity formation—try on different identities
• Autonomy—parenting, school culture
• Independent, critical thinking—personal characteristics, family,
school and social environments, role modelling
THINK: Social sensitivity influences on social competence?
Reactive to cues from peers who ‘prime’ motivations for certain
positive or negative behaviours (Albert et al. 2013)
• Influenced by media on cues indicating social inclusion or
exclusion (Somerville 2013)
• Reshaped family, school structures and roles—provide comfort in
navigating identity, relationships (Viner et al. 2012)
Reminder, there are 9 SHD’s what are these?
- Healthy child development
- Social support networks
- Education literacy
- Employment and working conditions
- Social environments
- Physical environments
- Health pracitices, coping skills
- Health services, resources
- Gender, culture
- Biology, genetic characteristics
THINK: what are some aspects for adolescents who are at risk?
At risk Illness/disability Low self-esteem Poor coping skills Feelings of alienation Family difficulties Abuse Poor family communication Problems at school School support Social or cultural discrimination Isolation Environmental stressors Financial difficulties Neighbourhood violence Challenges from peer group Poor nutrition/lifestyle factors Cyber bullying
THINK: what are some aspects for adolescents who are at promise?
- Good physical/mental health
- Sense of control over life events
- Good problem solving skills
- Social competence
- Love and affection
- Family harmony
- Love an affection
- Good communication skills
- School support
- Civic Engagement
- Social connectedness
- Environmental safety, support
- Academic, job prospects
- Community cohesion
- Resilience
- Family mealtimes, role models
- Vigilance, safe technology
There is a divide between indigenous adolescent risks, what are these for indigenous AND non-indigenous adolescents?
1/3 are overweight or obese
Half meet physical activity guidelines
High road accidents, STIs, diabetes, mental disorders
There is a divide between indigenous adolescent risks, what are these for indigenous adolescents?
Indigenous adolescents Double unemployment rate Triple risk of overcrowded homes Six times risk of mortality 15 times as likely in justice system
What are some major sources of adolescent risk?
Risky behaviours: sex, drugs, alcohol, STIs, homelessness, disadvantaged, having a disability, low SEP, LGBTI, refugee, migrants, indigenous
What are some major health issues affecting adolescents?
- Anxiety disorders
- Substance abuse
- Affective disorders (depression, bipolar)
What are some aspects that drive self-harm?
- Escape from distress, hopelessness
- Cyber bullying
- Anger, frustration
- Relief from tension, conflict
- Self punishment
- Sense of living; in control
The Australian Government (2012) saw 6 different triggers for suicide, what were these?
- Argument with somoen close
- relationship breakdown
- suicide in family members, friend, other person
- recurrence of illnes
- unexpected change
- traumatic event (bullying, abuse, violence)
An assessment tool can be used to assess adolescents at risk, which is defined as the Heeadsss tool. What is this tool? (break it down)
H, e, e, a, d, s, s, s,
Heeadsss tool
Home Education/employment Eating Peer group activities Drugs Sexuality Suicide/depression Safety
“Hot eggs eaten at dinner serve safe sausages”
School-teacher-parent closeness helps nurture 5 C’s, what are these?
Competence Confidence Character Caring Connections
Reminder: What are the 5 aspects of health promotion?
- Build healthy public policies
- Create supportive environments
- Strengthen community action
- Develop personal skills
- Reorient health services
What are 3 ways that Social Determinants of Health affect young people?
Latent: Pre-natal biological mechanisms (developed in the womb) Determine when development occurs
Pathway: Life experiences, determine health status throughout lifespan
Cumulative: Advantages/disadvantages of personal experience (unfavourable & favourable environments) determine advantage or disadvantages