Week 10 - Defence Flashcards
2 types of plant defence?
Constitutive (passive) and induced (active)
hypersensitive response (HR)
rapid cell death around site of attack, sealing off the wounded tissue to prevent the pathogen form moving
Antimicrobial agents produced during HR are?
Hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide, as well as Phytoalexins
reactive oxygen species?
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and superoxide anion (O2)
What do ROS do?
they are toxic to microbial invaders, and catalyse oxidative cross-linking of the cell wall they also signal other defence responses,
a.k.a. they are cool
Hydrogen peroxide?
Produced by by plant cells, reinforces the walls of cells surrounding the infection creating a barrier and inhibiting the spread
Antimicrobial, low molecular weight, active against wide range of organsims, induced by microbial challenge
Systemic acquired resistance? (SAR)
allows a plant to respond quickly to a second attack, induction of genes called pathogenesis related
MAMP-triggered immunity (MTI)
Receptors on cell wall identify pathogens, send signals which results in strengthening of the cell wall, stopping the pathogen
Pathogens way around MTI?
The cell can forget the pathogens features, or use effector proteins to turn off the cell MTI
Effector-triggered immunity (ETI)
is the defences answer to effector proteins, R protein recognise the E protein fighting it
The gene for gene model