week 10 Flashcards
what are the contradictions to massage
acute injury within the last 48 hours
unstable fractures
presence of foreign bodies eg glass and dirt
Precautions to massage
* Diabetes
* Epilepsy
* Hypertension/ hypotension
* Haemophilia
* Skin disease- psoriasis
* Kidney disease
* Osteoporosis
* Poor communication
* Cognition issues
Physiological effects 1
- Blood and lymph flow
- Skin and subcutaneous tissue * Metabolism and healing
- Muscle
- Nervous system
- Hormones
- Pain relief
- Immune system
Psychological effects
- Relaxation
- Range of emotions
The purpose of interviewing
- Inform decision making
- This includes:
➢Understanding the needs, requirements and health literacy of the patient ➢Diagnosis (hypothesis development)
➢Treatment planning and goal setting - The interview will help develop rapport as the foundation of the therapeutic alliance
Types of social power:
Phases of the interview
- Introductory
- Working Phase
- Termination phase
Phase 1: the Introductory Phase
Presenting problem
➢“What can I help you with today?
Patient narrative
➢Open ended question encouraging active participation
* Professional interview is a dialogue * Question selection
* Therapist response
➢Mirror responses (non verbal), further questioning for clarification, empathetic responses
* Cues
➢Patients provide you with cues- verbal, non verbal or emotional
Phase 2: The working phase of the interview
- Logical, systematic structure
- Clear and concise speech and
language - Open ended questions
- Closed questioning
- Prompts and directions
- Validation
- Time
Current History
Past History
Social History
Phase 3: Termination phase
- Wrapping up * Clarification
- Summarise
- Review goals
- Plan
➢Hypothesis generation
➢Physical examination
➢Treatment planning
➢Treatment/ Rehabilitation program
Motivational Interviewing
patient-centered approach to promoting changes in personal health behaviors
SMART goal setting