Week 10 Flashcards
-Authority is the use of legitimate power.
-Complex societies elect officials & authoritarian
societies have dictators
In large, complex societies with a centralized government, citizens grant the power of rulemaking or punishment to an individual or set of individuals, such as a ruler, congress, or police force
Power is the ability to compel another person to do something that they would not do otherwise.
- Coercive
- Physical threats
- Persuasive
- Rewards for complying
Prestige is a type of social reward that can only be given to a person by others.
It refers to the positive reputation or high regard of a person or other entity merited by actions, wealth, authority, or status.
It may be by virtue of birth into a particular family, personal achievement, or membership in a highly regarded social group.
Ex: The “Big Man,” found throughout Melanesia, uses his prestige as an informal leader in his community.
-Bands are groups of approximately 50 to 100 individuals who rely on hunting and gathering as their main means of subsistence.
-Majority makes decisions
-There is no centralized government or other coercive authority.
* Nomadic; they move seasonally to exploit wild food resources
* Example: Ju/’hoansi of the Kalahari desert (aka San people)
Generally larger than mobile hunter-gatherer groups but population rarelynumbers more than a few thousand
* Live in villages
* Subsistence is based largely on agriculture and domesticated animals
* Uncentralized power but can be ranked society
- Example: Many Indigenous communities in the U.S. before colonialism
Common in large populations
* Characterized by ranking
* Different lineages are graded on a
scale of prestige, and the senior
lineage, and hence the society as a
whole, is governed by a chief who
inherits leadership status (hereditary)
* Example: Samoa and Hawai’i before
Early states shared many of the features of chiefdoms, but the ruler has explicit authority to establish laws and also to
enforce them by the use of a standing army
* Stratified society
-Strong centrilized government
* Bureaucracies and taxes exist
Ranked societies
a society in which prestige and authority are inherited through families
stratified societies
Based on a hierarchy in which certain groups have access to resources and power while others do not.
types of warfare
Guilt cultures
which refers to a society where people are primarily motivated by guilt for not meeting certain standards or expectations.
shame cultures
A culture in which conformity to social expectations stems from wanting to live up to other’s expectations
Sodalities & provide examples
Group that brings people together through common concerns, age, or interests
Ex: Boys and girls of the Dinka (Jieng) tribe of South Sudan may undergo an initiation ceremony together, a painful facial scarification of forehead lines marks their passage from childhood to adulthood.
Explain how the Ju/’hoansi maintain an egalitarian society
Explain risk-reduction reciprocity theory & whether or not it applies to the Hadza
To mutually work together to reduce risk (sharing food)