Week 10 Flashcards
Anterior compartment of the leg
Extensors and dorsiflexors of the foot
Lateral compartment of the leg
Everyone of the foot
Posterior compartment of the leg (deep and superficial)
Flexors/plantar flexors of the foot
What separates the compartments of the leg
Crural interosseous membrane and r the intermuscular septa
What does the anterior intermuscular septum of the leg separate
Anterior compartment and lateral compartment
What does the posterior intermuscular septum separate
Posterior compartment and lateral compartment
What does the transverse intermuscular septum separate
Anterior and posterior compartment
What muscles make up the anterior compartment
Tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum longus, extensor hallucis longus, fibularis tertius
What muscles make up the lateral compartment of the leg
Fibularis longus, fibularis Brevis
What muscles make up the superficial posterior compartment of the leg
Gastrocnemius, soleus, plantaris
What muscles make up the deep posterior compartment of the the lower leg
Tibialis posterior
Flexor hallucis longus
Flexor digitorum longus
Dorsal muscles of the foot
Extensor hallucis brevis
Extensor digitorum brevis
Plantar muscles of the foot first layer
Abductor hallucis
Adbuctor digiti minimi
Flexor digitorum brevis
Plantar muscles second layer
Quadratus plantae/ flexor digitorum accessorius
Lumbricals 1-4
Plantar muscles third layer
Flexor hallucis brevis
Flexor digiti minimi brevis
Adductor hallucis (oblique and transverse heads)
Plantar muscles forth layer
Dorsal interossei, x4
Plantar interossei x3
Drop foot
Condition causing individuals to drag their feet while walking. Causing the aptient to bend their knee to lift the foot higher than in a normal stride
Nerve damage (fibular nerves or disc protrusion)
muscular damage (anterior leg muscles)
Plantar fasciitis (heel spur syndrome)
Pain along the insertion of the plantar fascia on exertion caused by degeneration of the plantar fascia.
Fibularis tertius
Anterior compartment
Only muscle to insert onto the sharifs of the 5th metatarsal
Fibularis peroneus Longus
Lateral compartment
Passes through the peroneal groove to inset onto the plantar medial cuneiform/ 1st metatarsal
Fibularis Brevis
Only muscle to insert into the styloid process of the 5th metatarsal
Tibialis anterior
Anterior compartment
Dorsiflexes the foot
Inverts the foot
Deep fibular peroneal nerve
Anterior tibial artery
Origin of tibialis anterior
Lateral tibial condyle
Superior two-third of lateral surface of the tibia
Tibialis anterior insertion
Medial and plantar surfaces of the base of the 1st metatarsal
Extensor digitorum longus
Anterior compartment
Extends toes 2-5
Dorsiflex the ankle joint
Helps evert the foot
Deep fibular artery
Anterior tibial artery
Origin of extensor digitorum longus
Superior two-thirds of the medial surface of the fibula
Insertion of the extensor digitorum longus
Four slips to toes 2-5 each forming an extensor expansion
Extensor expansions of the foot
Membranous extension of the extensor digitorum longus tendon over the dorsal surface and side of each metatarsophalangeal joint
Extensor expansion of the foot central slip
Inserts into the base of the dorsum of the middle phalanx
Extensor expansion of the foot two collateral slips
Inserts into the base of the dorsum of the distal phalanx
Fibularis tertius
Anterior compartment
Dorsiflexes the ankle joint
Everts the foot
Deep fibular peroneal nerve
Anterior tibial artery
Fibularis tertius origin
Medial surface of the fibula
Fibularis tertius insertion
5th metatarsal bone
Extensor hallucis longus
Extends the hallux
dorsiflexes the ankle joint
Deep fibular / peroneal nerve
Anterior tibial artery
Extensor hallucis longus origin
Anteromedial surface of the fibula
Extensor hallucis longus
Dorsal surface of the phalanx of the hallux