Week 1 test review Flashcards
Not fail
Based off Socrates, Sun Tzu, and Boyd - Understand theories and what they’re getting after
Socrates - used Socratic method of questioning to challenge assumptions and inspire wisdom and good judgement: “Know thyself”
Sun Tzu - Chinese general and author of “The Art of War,” composed of 13 chapters each focused on an aspect of warfare: “Hurl strength against weakness.”
Boyd - Air Force fighter pilot, father of aerial attack study/EM diagrams, Patterns of Conflict/USMC maneuver warfare doctrine and the OODA loop model of critical thinking (observe orient decide act)
List the 6 components of Critical Thinking and explain them
1 Observe - gather data
2 Understand - apply critical thinking like the Socratic Method
3 Apply - transfer it to new circumstances
4 Analyze - decompose it for study
5 Synthesize - apply fusion (the goal)
6 Evaluate - reflect to improve
Understand Deductive, Inductive and Abductive reasoning
Deductive: Big to small - starts with a hypothesis or theory and gathers data to support or negate
Inductive: Small to big - starts with observations and collection of data that leads to a hypothesis or theory
Abductive: Use observations to support what you already know, in order to make an inference (Sherlock Holmes)
Understand Deductive, Inductive and Abductive arguments
Deductive: Conclusion is certain; valid= IF premises are true, conclusion logically follows; sound= premises are true
Inductive: Conclusion is probable or possible; strong= IF premises are true, conclusion is probable; cogent= premises are true
Abductive: blend of the two= conclusion/inference that is most probable based on incomplete premises
Describe the Roles and Responsibilities of MISR positions
1 MISR-C (Coordinator) Operational Level
-Supports MOC / AOC / CTF by coordinating J2 and J3 and integrating ISR to achieve desired OBJs
-Overall monitor/support MISR operations
-Produces MMTO for CC approval
-Produces MISR TAAR for LL
2 MISR-A (Afloat) Tactical Level
-Supports CSG or ESG staff; operates our of MTC-A, SUPLOT, TFCC
-Monitor and support ISR; support Composite Warfare CCs (CWC) w/ ISR while afloat
-ISR Tactical Advisor for CSG CC; liaison to CVW, CSG, MOC
-Assists MISR-C with MMTO draft
-Produces MISR COORD CARD (if no MISR-PC)
-Produces MISR TAAR
3 MISR-PC (Package CC) Tactical Level
-Functional collateral position for MISR-C/As
-Leads MISR Mission Planning
-Commands/executes MISR operation via Sensor Tasking Authority (STA) with assets tasked w/ direct support to the MMTO
-Check-in / Sensor Status / Tasking / Cross-cue / Fusion TACREPs / SITREP
-Produces MISR TAAR
-Can be on-board a platform closest to the mission
Understand the three components that go into Learning Objectives
1 Behavior - what the student must be able to do; determines the instructional strategy (define, explain, apply… knowledge & skill; applied & accomplished; attitude demonstrated)
2 Condition - situation (or where) the Behavior is performed under; can introduce AIDING or LIMITING factors
3 Standard - Acceptable quality or level of performance (accuracy, quality, time)
All must be observable and measurable
State and explain the ARCS model and give examples
Attention - capture student’s interest, stimulate inquiry, maintain focus
Relevance - relate to goals, relate to job, tie to experiences
Confidence - set high expectations, offer opportunities for success, demand personal responsibility
Satisfaction - give students satisfaction, offer fair treatment, recognize and reward achievement
State four Briefing Styles and give examples
1 Instructional - How to do something (RADAR employment in the EA environment)
2 Informational - How something works (The theory of RADAR)
3 Persuasive - Why you should do something (procurement)
4 Directive - What you must do (crew/mission briefs)
Know the 6-step Briefing Checklist
1 Analyze the audience and purpose
- what does the audience know; what is the goal; how will it be measured
2 Research the Topic
- manuals, resources, interviews; 3 or more sources ensures credibility; remove bias
3 Gather support
- statistics, definitions, examples, videos, sea stories
4 Get organized
- lesson plan, overview, intro, body, summary
5 Use English that’s alive
- intelligent, articulate, avoid slang, break out acronyms, beware of alienating the audience
6 Fight for feedback
- increases interest and improves retention, monitor instructional progress, plan questions, use feedback forms
Know key principles of Red Teaming IAW UFMCS
Self awareness and reflection
Groupthink mitigation
Fostering cultural empathy
Applied Critical Thinking
Explain System 1 and System 2 thinking
System 1 = fast, automatic thought, instinctive, low effort, low energy - uses biases and heuristics
System 2 = slow, deliberate thought, requires effort, high energy - LAZY as it draws inputs from System 1 (applying CC intent to ISR mission)
Know the 15 TACREPs source serialization designations
C - Cyber
F - Fusion
G - COMINT Ground
N - COMINT Naval
R - A/M Ops Center
S - Ship originated
Describe the uses of ISAR / SAR
ISAR (JELLO) RADAR imaging that relies on the motion of the target over water to produce an image which can determine minimum length and PNC (mil vs civ), GNC (mil destroyer vs civ fishing), and FNC (specific type or series). Goes out in INDIA TACREPs. Only P-8A/AAS, MH-60R, and MQ-4 can do it
SAR RADAR imaging that relies on the motion of the platform to produce an image of the target over land, sea, and air. Spot Map is a specific scene, centered on a point; Strip Map is along narrow scene, parallel to the ACFT ground track. Has DTED. Must be analyzed by qualified analysts. Goes out in INDIA TACREPs. P-8A/AAS, RQ-4B, U-2, F/A-18E/F, F-15E, EA-18G, MQ-4, space assets can do it.
Describe the OE including domains and environments
Air Domain
1 begins at Earth’s surface and extends to altitude where effects are negligible
2 Large enable of all-domain maneuvers
3 Speed, range, access
4 constantly changing
Land Domain
1 control VITAL land areas
2 heavily reliant on multi-domain support
3 most impacted by physical dimension
4 distinguished by human dimension (will)
Maritime Domain
1 defined by oceans, seas, bays, islands, coastal/littoral (and airspace above)
2 shares physical areas with land and air domains
3 limited assets and timeliness
Space domain
1 100KM and up
2 mil / civ / commercial
3 global access; global requirements
4 EW / ISR / PNT / comms
Cyber Domain
1 3 layers: physical, logical, cyber persona
2 interdependent networks of info technology
Information Environment
1 Aggregate of social, cultural, linguistic, psychological, technical and physical factors
2 cognitive, informational, and physical dimensions
Electromagnetic Operational Environment (EMEO)
1 composite of actual and potential EM radiation, conditions, circumstances
2 Exploit, Attack, Protect, and Manage the EM spectrum via EA, EP and ES
Explain RADAR Theory
High Frequency = shorter wavelengths = low range, but increased accuracy (good for TTR)
Medium Frequency = middle wavelengths = medium range and accuracy (good for ASV, GCI and some TA)
Low Frequency = Longer wavelengths= long range and low precision (good for EW)
PRI - is the distance from the start of a pulse to the start of the net pulse
PRF - is the number of pulses in a second
PD/PW - the length of time/distance it takes for the RADAR to emit a single pulse
RADAR signals can be modulated (FM, AM, etc
different scan types are used to detect target objects