Week 1 PP Flashcards
What are the 9 Dental Specialties recognized by CDA
- Dental Public Health
- Endodontics
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- Oral Medicine and Pathology
- Oral & Maxillofacial Radiology
- Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
- Pediatric Dentistry
- Periodontics
- Prosthodontics
What is Endodontics?
The branch of dentistry dealing with prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the dental pulp and the surrounding periapical tissues
- the diagnosis of pulpal damage, infection or necrosis and subsecquent root canal or apical surgery
What does peri-radicular mean?
around the root
What does periapical mean?
around the apex/apices
Why is it important to treat the pulp and peri-radicular or apical tissues?
- the pulp is the heart of the tooth
-if the pulp is not happy it can become sick and mabye even die and affect the surrounding tissues
-if the tooth dies, we need to do a root canal so that we can at least save the body of the tooth
Causes of Pulpal Nerve Damage
-Physical irritation:
-range from mild sensitivity to complete nerve death or infection of surrounding tissues
-extensive decay moving into the pulp
-abscess can also form
What is the most common cause of pulpal damage?
Process of Pulpal Damge due to Physical Irritation
- Tooth decay can spread deep into your teeth and affect your dental pulp and roots. When the bacteria travel deeper into a tooth, past the hard enamel portion of a tooth and into the
dentin the bacteria have easier access to the pulp. - Therefore if a “small” cavity that exists in the enamel/dentin layers of a tooth is not repaired the bacteria can travel into the pulp causing “extensive decay”.
- Once in the pulp chamber, the bacteria will continue to travel through this soft tissue layer with ease.
- The bacteria will eventually reach the nerves and blood vessels an infection or abscess (a localized area of pus)
- When we see pus we know that there is an active infection because pus contains factors from your immune to fight unwanted intruders such as the cavity causes bacteria.
Process of Pulpal Damage due to Trauma
Blow to jaw and/or surrounding tissues > Damage to surrounding tissues > Damage to nerve tissues and blood vessels
Trauma can cause pulpal damage via..
- Broken teeth
- Chipped teeth
- Cracked teeth
- Fractured teeth; or
- Sometimes a pulp will be injured from trauma without clinically visible damage to the tooth (such as in the case of this image)
Trauma (causing pulpal damage) may include:
- Attrition
- Erosion
- If a filling is too high and is not taken down that can cause trauma to the tooth’s pulp
- Parafunctional habits - Grinding, Clenching
Surrounding tissues experiencing force due to trauma..
- The periodontal ligaments may tear from the force
- The bone may initiate a resorption process due to damaged periodontal ligaments or plain damage to the bone on its own.
- Parts of the tooth can break and be driven into surrounding tissue to cause damage
Common signs and symptoms of pulpal damage
-Pain - when occluding, during mastication
-Sensitivity - to hot or cold beverages
-Swelling - of the face
What is Subjective Examination?
-Symptoms as described by the patient
“There is a shooting pain when I bit on something hard”
What is Objective Examination?
What the dentist sees - based on clinical assessments