Outcome 5 - Endodontics Flashcards
What is Endodontics?
A dental specialty that prevents, diagnoses, and treats not only dental pulp but also surrounding tissues such as nerves, blood vessels and tissues that surround the tooth.
What are reasons for the pulp nerve to have trauma?
-Physical irritation due to tooth sensitivity such as hot and cold (exposed dental tubules)
-Trauma due to blow to the tooth or jaw
-Extent of the decay
-Periodontal condition
-Presence of extensive restorations
-Tooth mobility
-Swelling or discoloration
-Pulp exposure
What are the symptoms of pulp trauma?
-discomfort or pain when eating
-discomfort or pain when in neutral occlusion
-Sensitvity to hot and cold
-Facial Swelling and/or tooth discoloration
“Yes” answers to these questions will indicate urgent care is needed
- Do you have moderate to severe lingering “toothache” pain when drinking hot liquids or eating hot foods?
- Do you have pain when chewing or biting on a tooth?
- Is your tooth sensitive to touch or pressure?
- Do you experience slight swelling in the area? Do you have a bubble on the gum that looks like a pimple, when pressed in the region may release blood or pus?
- Does toothache pain wake you up at night?
- Are you taking any medications now, if so is the pain relieved?
- Do you have pain that starts at one tooth and then radiates or is referred to other regions of the upper or lower jaw, or head?
4 Pulp Testing Techniques
- Radiographs
- Percussion and Palpation
- Thermal Testing
- Electrical Pulp Testing
How can radiographs diagnose pulp trauma?
a. Periapical radiographs may show the precense of infection, extent of dental caries, and proximity of the caries lesion to the pulp.
What is Percussion?
Tapping the incisal or occlusal surface of the tooth with the handle of a mouth mirror and comparing it to a “control” tooth
What is Palpation for Pulp trauma?
Applying firm pressure with the index finger to the mucosa near the apex of the tooth and to a “control” area
What is Thermal Testing?
-Dry ice or ethyl chloride on a cotton applicator are used to apply a cold stimulus to a non-restored tooth and a “control” tooth
-a heated piece of gutta percha may also be used
What is Electrical Pulp Testing?
Using small electrical current to test the pulp
How does Normal Pulp react to Thermal Testing?
reacts to hot and cold with a sudden reaction which disappears as soon as the stimulus is removed
How does Early Pulp Disease react to Thermal Testing?
reacts with a sharp pain in the tooth that lingers as a throbbing pain once the stimulus is removed this is called pulpitis and depending on the circumstance, the pulp may recover
How does Irreversible Pulpitis react to thermal testing?
Reacts as a sharp severe pain which remains as an intolerable throbbing once the stimulus is removed - the pulp will not recover if this is the reaction as the vitality of y the pulp decreses heat may create pain. Cold may relieve it - the pulp will not recover at this stage
How does Necrotic Pulp react to thermal testing?
No sensation at all within the pulp when either hot or cold stimulus is applied
-endo treatment or extraction
If applicaple, what is the first endodontic treatment?
Pulpal therapy will be preformed first to generate pulpal stimulation or regeneration. When pulpal therapy is not effective, root canal therapy or surgery will be performed.
What are the 3 Pulpal Regeneration Procedures?
Pulp Capping