Week 1 Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetic Flashcards
Defined as “ The actions of a drug on the body”
“What does the drug do to the body? ”
Describes a drug’s molecular, biochemical, and physiologic effects or actions occurring by binding to specialized target macromolecules (receptors) on or in the cell.
Drug-receptor complex
Starts biological molecular activities by signal transduction
Magnitude of cellular response: proportional to the number of drug-receptor complex
More drug binding to receptor more physiological receptor
Transmembrane ligand-gated(subtance/drug-gated) Ion Channels
Regulates cellular access of soluble ions (Na++, K+)
Ligand-binding area is on the cell membrane
Key feature: downregulation of receptors
Receptors may be internalized within the cell, making them unavailable for further agonist interaction ability to hide within the cell, leading to no more binding in the cell
G-Protein-Coupled Receptors
Generate intracellular second messengers to initiate cellular cascade for intracellular effect.
Has ability to amplify signal intensity and duration
Example: Alpha- and beta- adrenergic receptors; hormone receptors
When hormone or drug bind the receptor, it changes the receptor shape, leading it to interaction to G protein (GTP to GDP), alpha and other attaches itself to acti adenyly cyclase
Enzyme-linked Receptor(insulin receptor or growth factor receptor)
Increase intracellular enzyme activity (tyrosine kinase) -> ^ autophosphorylation
Last for minutes to hrs
Has ability to amplify signal intensity and duration
Ex: Growth factor and insulin receptor
Intracellular receptors
Cytoplasmic receptors,
Respond to lipid soluble ligand molecules
Drug attaches to receptor -> Moves into nucleus -> initiates DNA transcription -> mRNA -> specific proteins -> biologic effects
The effect of drugs or endogenous ligands that activate intracellular receptors takes hours to days to occur.
Ex: steroid and thyroid hormones
Initial small signal gets amplified in the signal pathways (Signal Cascade Effect)
Need only a fraction of the total receptors for a specific ligand to be occupied to elicit a maximal response.
Some receptors are “spare”
About 99% of insulin receptors are “spare,”
Provides an immense functional reserve that ensures that adequate amounts of glucose enter the cell.
Only about 5% to 10% of the total β-adrenoceptors in the heart are spare.
Little functional reserve exists in the failing heart, because most receptors must be occupied to obtain maximum contractility.
Down regulation
Reduced synthesis of new receptors
Usually happens with repeated exposure to an agonist
Sequestration or Internalization
Sequestration or Internalization
Degradation of preexisting receptors through endocytosis
Usually happens with repeated exposure to agonist
Up-regulation of receptors
Receptor reserves are inserted into the membrane, increasing the number of receptors available.
Usually happens with repeated exposure of a receptor to an antagonist
Can make cells more sensitive to agonists and/or more resistant to effects of the antagonist.
Desensitization or Tachyphylaxis
A rapid decrease in response (effects of medication) to chronic, repeated exposure to agonist over a short time period , (Could occur at the initial dose)
Downregulation or sequestration of receptors
Exhaustion of secondary messengers
^ metabolic degradation of the medications
A slow decrease in response to chronic, repeated exposure to agonist
Seen in chronic opioid users: Target receptors are reduced -> higher dose is needed to have same benefit
requires less amount to produce therapeutic effect
A measure of the amount of drug necessary to produce a given effect.
Indicated as half maximal effective concentration (EC50)
The concentration of drug producing 50% of the maximum effect
The magnitude of response when a drug interacts with a receptor
Dependent on the number of drug–receptor complexes and the intrinsic activity of the drug
The relative ability of agonist to fully or partially activate receptors
Maximal efficacy of a drug (Emax)
Occurs when the drug occupies all receptors (generally meds have a maximum dose because after taking a certain amount, it is found that no matter how much more you take will not increase the efficacy of the drug)
No increase in response to higher concentrations of drug
Intrinsic activity of drugs
A measure of the ability of a drug in producing a change in cellular activity when it binds to the receptors
Determines its ability to fully or partially activate the receptors.
Drugs may be categorized according to their intrinsic activity and resulting Emax values
A measure of the tightness with which a drug binds to the receptor
Higher affinity -> Higher potency
: endogenous hormones or neurotransmitters (ex: adrenalines: norepinephrine, epinephrine)
Bind to the specific receptors that results in physiological response
synthetic ligands
Drugs: synthetic ligands (i.e thyroid meds, bind to thyroid sites)
Protein molecules
Located on the organs of our body ( inside the cell or on its membrane)
Bind to specific ligands: Causes physiological responses in our body
Full Agonists
Produce a maximal biologic response(Same Emax) that mimics the response to the endogenous ligand that is supposed to bind to the receptor
Phenylephrine is a full agonist at α1-adrenoceptors
Produces the same Emax as the endogenous ligand, norepinephrine
Partial Agonists
Cannot produce the same Emax as a full agonist even when all the receptors are occupied
May function as antagonist when given with full agonist
Compete for receptors with full agonist
Emax of a full agonist would decrease until it reached the Emax of the partial agonist.
Competitive reversible Antagonist
Characteristic shift of the agonist dose–response curve to the right (increased EC50 ) without affecting Emax
Eg: Terazosin (compete with natural neurotransmitter , epinephrine at α1-adrenoceptors)
Requires more epinephrine given to get the same result when given with terazosin since terazosin also competes to binding site (competitive reversib le antagonist - but removable when have enough agonist)
Competitive Irreversible Antagonist
Competes for the same sites of the receptors with agonist
Binding is not reversible
Permanently reduce the number of receptors available to the agonist
Causes a downward shift of the Emax, with no change EC50 values
Addition of more agonist does not overcome the effect of irreversible antagonists.
Competitive irreversible antagonist will not come off of the recetpro
Allosteric (Noncompetitive) antagonist
Binds to a site (allosteric site) other than the agonist-binding site and prevents receptor activation by agonist
Irreversible binding
Causes a downward shift of the Emax of an agonist, with no change in the EC50 value.
Competitive reversible antagonists reduce agonist potency (increase EC50)
Competitive irreversible antagonist and noncompetitive antagonists (allosteric antagonist) reduce agonist efficacy (decrease Emax).
Effective Dose (ED 50)
Effective Dose (ED 50):the dose of a drug that produces, on average, a specified all-or-none response in 50% of a test population
Toxic Dose (TD50):t
Toxic Dose (TD50):the dose required to produce a particular toxic effect in 50% of a test population
Lethal Dose (LD 50):
Lethal Dose (LD 50): the dose required to kill 50% of a test subject population
Therapeutic Index
Therapeutic Index
Determined using drug trials and accumulated clinical experience
Reveal a range of effective doses and a different (sometimes overlapping) range of toxic doses
High TI values are required for most drugs
Some drugs with low therapeutic indices are routinely used to treat serious diseases
When the risk of experiencing adverse effects is not as great as the risk of leaving the disease untreated
First pass effect
phenomenon of drug metabolism whereby the concentration of a drug, specifically when administered orally, is greatly reduced before it reaches the systemic circulation. It is the fraction of drug lost during the process of absorption which is generally related to the liver and gut wall
What is Pharmacokinetics?
What the body does to the drug?
Absorption: how the drug gets into the body
Distribution: where the drug goes to in the body
Metabolism: how the body chemically modifies the drug
Excretion: how the body gets rid of the drug
Site: gut to plasma
bio availability
factors: drug characterisitcs, blood flow, cell membrane
sites: plasma to tissue volume of distribution phases: 1) blood flow from site of adminstration 2) delivery of drug into tissues at site of drug actiob
Biotransformation (Metabolism)
Site: liver
enzyme inhibition/induction
first pass effect
phase1: oxydation cytochrome P450
phase2: glucuronidation
Site: kidney
clearance, halflife, steady state, linear/nonlinear kinetics
4 ways of Absorption from GI tract
Passive Transport:
Passive diffusion,
Facilitated diffusion
Active Transport: requires energy
Endocytosis: large molecule transport
Strong acid or base
Completely dissociate in water Completely polarized (Ionized or charged) in water
Weak acid or base
Partially dissociate in water Partially polarized (Ionized or charged)) in water
Passive diffusion
No energy expenditure by cell
Movement through the concentration gradient: move from high concentration to low concentration
Ficks Law: “The greater the distance and the larger the molecule, the slower the diffusion rate”
Majority of drugs are absorbed by passive diffusion
Facilitated Diffusion
Movement through the concentration gradient
Does not require energy
Process that uses drug transporter protein
Facilitate the passage of large molecules
Drug transporters undergo conformational changes
Allow the passage of drugs or endogenous molecules into inside of cells.
Can be saturated
May be inhibited by compounds that compete for the drug transporter (transporter in use, unable to transport others)