Week 1- Lecture 2 Principles of Treatment prescription for Musculoskeletal pain disorders Flashcards
List the components of a subjective examination
Body diagram
- Area of symptoms
- other related areas
- Areas of paresthesia
Consistancy of pain Nature of pain. How would you describe it? Depth of pain Severity of pain Does it radiate out Pain relationships
HPC PMH- related to pain Social history Aggravating and easing factors 24 hour behaviour X-rays/ investigations Medications General health (GH) unexplained weight loss Pyschosocial factors - what you you think is causing the pain
Physical examination sequence
Observation Functional Testing Screening of other joints ROM Physiological AROM +/- OP PROM PAMs/passive accessory movements(if indicated
Palpation Orthopaedic/special tests(FADIR /FABER) Test of the muscular system - Resisted tests - Muscle length - Muscle performance/MMT Motor control (loading & mvmt control) Neuro Exam NTPT’s
Treatment vs Management
Treatment: Specific intervention performed by the clinician, passive in nature(hands on)
- Passive joint mobilisation
- EPA modalities
- HR, rythmic initations
- Taping
Managment(Mx): Specific or general action or activity performed by patient under the direction on prescription of the clinician
- Excercise presciption
- Posture reeducation
- Provision of external support eg brace
Physiotherapy indications
If non mechanical & serious/systemic pathology have been excluded (NO RED FLAGS)
If the disorder is likely to be favourably influenced by physiotherapy
In what circumstances would you focus more on the symptoms vs contributing factors? and converse
Acute tissue injury
- Focus more of the signs and symptoms which relate to the acute inflammatory process
egMx of pain and swelling
Non-Acute injury or Absence of significant tissue injury
-Focus on the cause
eg underlying impairments of MSK function
eg biopsychosocial factors
General Mx plan and advice that should be included as part of physiotherapy intervention
Support and reassurance
Information on prognosis
Provide an explanation
Develop and discuss a treatment plan
Promote usual activity incl work ADL’s hobbies
(w modification)
-increase activity levels based on time vs pain especially with non acute disorders
Promote self efficacy and self Mx
Key treatment objectives for
Movement impairment disorders
- Passive accessory(or physiological)movement techniques
- Active /AA mobility excercises w passive over pressure
- Techniques aimed at reducing tone,co-contraction or loss of length
- Address associated or secondary strength/endurance
- Address psychosocial, behavioural or lifestyle issues.
What are indications for PAMS
–Loss of joint ROM due to joint hypomobility
Patient can’t independently restore ROM due to pain or loss of tissue compliance
- Physiological Mvmnt limited by resistance(R2) not Pain
- Associated PAM is limited by resistance(R2) not pain
Why do we use PAMS
Usually more COMFORTABLE than physiological mobilization
PAMS treatment should not be painful unless some was demonstrated in Ax.
Describe the Grades of mobilisation
as it relates to the treatment of joint movement restriction
Small amplitude applied at beginning of avaliable range
Large amplitude ossilation applied at beginning of ROM to middle ROM
Large amplitude ossillation applied at the movement barrier
Small amplitude ossilation applied at the movement barrier
PAMS reasessment
Reasess AROM after each set
Reasess mvmt most likely to improve first
Always ask resting pain proir to reasessing AROM
Looking for changes in range, quality, area pain,functional test
List some soft tissue treatment techniques for the treatement of hypotonicity that may contribute to movement impairment
Trigger point release(TP) -TP pressure with muscle on slight stretch if tolerated Myofascial release(MFR) -Longitudinal massage strokes Massaging tequniques HR tequniques HEP: Passive stretches,heat, foam roller
Key treatment objectives for
Motor control Impairment
(muscle imbalance) disorders
Aim: normalise suboptimal postures,loading strategies,movement control & or muscle imbalances
- improve proprioceptive/kinasthetic awareness
- Integrate newly established MC into aggravating movement/activitites/functional tasks
- Restore mms balance