Week 1 L 6-10 Flashcards
List some factors that can influence development.
environmental factors
What are the 5 main prinicples of development?
Continous process
requires maturation of the nervous system
sequence same but rate varies
cephaloaudal direction
generalised mass activity changing to more specific controlled movements
List the 4 areas of development.
Gross motor
Fine motor and vision
Language and hearing
Social behaviour and play
Give some examples of primitive reflexes.
Sucking and rooting
Palmar and plantar graap
Asymmetric tonic neck reflex (ATNR)
Describe the ATNR and why is it used?
One arm beside head and other strecthed out.
To stop baby rolling off unstable surface
When does the ATNR disappear and why?
3-4 months
need to lose this to develop voluntary movement
Define developmental delay.
Failure to attain appropriate developmental milestones for child’s corrected chronological age.
What are the red flags of development?
Asymmetry of movement Not reaching for objects by 6 months Unable to sit unsupported by 12 months Unable to walk by 18 months No speech by 18 months concerns re vision or hearing Loss of skills (regression)
Define Global developmental delay.
Significant delay in 2+ of:
gross/ fine motor, speech/ language
cognition, social/ personal, ADL
What is a globa developmental delay called in shool age children?
Learning disability
Give an example of a global developmental delay condition.
Down’s syndrome
Give examples of a developmental delay that is specifically a motor delay.
Duchenne Musculaar Dystrophy
Cerebral Palsy
Treacher- Collins syndrome is an example of what?
A specific sensory deficit and associated delay
Give an example of a specific sensory deficit and associated delay.
Oculocutaneous albinism
ASD is an example of what?
Developmental deviation
Developmental regression is seen in what syndrome?
Rett’s syndrome
What % of the UK child population has is on the autistic spectrum?
What % of the UK child population have a specific learning disability?
What causes Down’s syndrome?
Trisomy 21
Give some causes of Down’s syndrome.
prematurity hypoxia intrauterine infection kernicterus many cases no specific cause is found
What is the triad of disorders of ASD?
Social interaction
Flexibility of thought
What else can affect someone on the autistic spectrum?
Restictive/ repetitive behaviours
sensory difficulties
What investigations may be carried out if you were concerned a child had a developmental delay?
Chromosomes, FRAX, Oligoarray CGH
Neonatal PKU
Thyroid studies
When does human brain development start?
The 3rd post-conception week