Week 1: Introduction Flashcards
Describe ‘professional’
- Professional = a member of a profession
- Professionals are governed by code of ethics, and profess commitment to competence, integrity and morality, altruism and promotion of public good within their scope of practice
- Professionals are accountable to those they serve and to society
Meaning of ‘Professional Practice’?
- The use of one’s knowledge in a particular profession
- Scope of practice: procedures, actions and processes that a healthcare practitioner is permitted to undertake in keeping with the terms of their professional license
Meaning of ‘Health’
- Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing & not merely the absence of disease or infirmity
Describe the Miller’s pyramid
IS (identify) = consistently demonstrates the attitudes, values and behaviours expected of one who has come to ‘think, act & feel like a physician’
DOES (action) = consciously demonstrates the behaviours expected of a physician
SHOWS HOW (performance) = demonstrates behaviours expected of a physician under supervision
KNOWS HOW (competence) = knows when individual behaviours are appropriate
KNOWS (knowledge) = knows the behavioural norms expected of a physician
What are the Responsibilities and Obligations of Health Care Professionals (HCPs)?
Primary responsibility is to;
- Act in accordance with the patient/client’s wishes (patient/client autonomy)
- Act in the best interests of the patient/client (principles of beneficence and non-maleficence)
- Practice within the scope of the individual health professional’s knowledge, defined skills & professional attributes
- Maintain that competence
- Ensure decision-making and professional judgement is based on available information and likely consequences
HCPs Have Responsibilities and Obligations to:
- Patients / clients, and to the broader community to provide safe, beneficial, responsible and competent health care that is responsive to individual, group and community needs
- Colleagues and to their profession, will always be secondary to their responsibilities and obligations to their patient/ client
- Provide health care service within a context of justice and respect for people’s rights and dignity
Describe Patient-Centred Care
- PCC is health care that is respectful of, and responsive to, the preferences, needs and values of patients and consumers
- The widely accepted dimensions of PCC are respect, emotional support, physical comfort, information & communication, continuity & transition, care coordination, involvement of family & carers, and access to care
Describe Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) briefly
- National registration established July 2010
- 15 health professions
- Manage the need to uphold professional standards and maintain public confidence in the regulated health professions
- Governed by the “Health Practitioner Regulation National Law”