Week 1: Internal Medicine Intro., Common Cold, Cough, Asthma. Flashcards
Can you recognize this category?
* Preponderance and decline of pathogenic or healthy qi
* Yin-yang disharmony
* Disharmony of qi and blood
* Five Endogenous Pathogens: wind, phlem, cold, dampness, dryness, fire-heat.
Where would you find the treatment principle and treatment method?
Identification of Syndrome (Diagnosis).
In what order do you study the internal medicine class content?
Disease first, syndrome second.
This “wind injury” is an EXTERNAL CONTRACTED DISEASE. What is it?
Common cold.
Summer-Heat and Dampness
Qi Deficiency
Yin Deficiency
Epidemic Cold (Influenza)
Are patterns/categories of?
Common Cold.
Severe aversion to cold, mild fever, absence of sweating,
clear nasal discharges, a general pain, superficial and tense pulse.
Pattern/category of common cold?
Obvious fever, slightly aversion to cold, sweating, turbid
nasal discharges, thirst, sore throat, superficial and rapid pulse.
Pattern/category of common cold?
Fever, dizziness, a distending pain in the head, soreness and heaviness in the limbs, restlessness and vomiting occur in summer.
Pattern/category of common cold?
Summer-Heat and Dampness.
Weak constitution, severe aversion to cold, mild fever,
lassitude and superficial and weak pulse.
Pattern/category of common cold?
Qi Deficiency.
Fever, scanty sweating, restlessness, unproductive cough, a red tongue with a scanty coating , thready and rapid pulse.
Pattern/category of common cold?
Yin Deficiency.
Sudden attack, aversion to cold, high fever, severe headache and general pain. Contagious.
Pattern/category of common cold?
Epidemic Cold (Influenza).
When presented with a patient with cough the first thing to ascertain is?
Whether the cough is
acute or chronic.
Also ask about sound, time of day, sputum.
Treatment principles are closely related to treatment methods but the two are different how?
Treatment principles are macroscopic, holistic and strategic
plans. Treatment methods are microcosmic, specific and tactic measures.
Lung Phlegm-Dampness
Liver-Fire Scorching Lung
Lung-Yin Deficiency
Patterns/categories of?
Wind-Cold Invasion
Phlegm-Heat Obstructing Lung
Lung-Qi Deficiency
Kidney-Qi Deficiency
Patterns/categories of?
Asthma “Dyspnea and Wheezing”