Week 1, Hours 3-4 Flashcards
Psychosocial Developmental Theory: Psychosocial Crisis of ages 2-3
autonomy vs. shame and doubt
Psychosocial Developmental Theory: Stage (Age) of trust vs. mistrust
Psychosocial Developmental Theory: Which crisis asks, “can I trust the world?”
trust vs. mistrust
Piaget’s Four Stages of Cognitive Development: Age range of Concrete operational stage?
7-11 years
Kohlberg’s Moral Stages: Level 2
Define: Goodness of Fit
It is used to describe how temperament and environment together can produce favorable outcomes. Goodness of fit involves crating child-rearing environments that recognize each child’s temperament while encouraging more adaptive functioning.
A pediatrician would ask the following questions to the parent of a patient of WHAT AGE? Help with dressing? Stacks 10 cubes? Riding a tricycle? Throwing overhand? Walks up stairs with alternating feet?
3 years old
Freud’s Psychosexual Stages of Development: Which stage? The child continues his or her development but sexual urges are relatively quiet.
Psychosocial Developmental Theory: Significant Relationship of integrity vs. despair
Mankind, Mykind
Piaget’s Four Stages of Cognitive Development: Which stage? The child begins to represent the world with words and images; these words and images reflect increased symbolic thinking and go beyond the connection of sensory information and physical action.
Psychosocial Developmental Theory: Stage (Age) of integrity vs. despair
Psychosocial Developmental Theory: Which crisis asks, “is it okay to have been me?”
integrity vs. despair
Fine Motor Development (Gesell Figures): 7 years
A pediatrician would make the following observations about a patient of what age? Broad jump, stand on one foot (momentarily), copy a circle on paper
3 years old
A pediatrician would make the following observations about a patient of what age? Stand on one foot for 3 seconds, copy a cross, draw a simple figure of a person (head + one other body part)
4 years old
Psychosocial Developmental Theory: Stage (Age) of initiative vs. guilt
Psychosocial Developmental Theory: Significant Relationship of industry vs. inferiority
Neighbor & School
Psychosocial Developmental Theory: Stage (Age) of industry vs. inferiority
Fine Motor Development (Gesell Figures): 9 years
3D cylinder
What is the term for falling in love with a guy who is just like your father?
Electra complex
Kohlberg’s Moral Stages: What is Stage 5?
Morality of contract and individual rights: Rules are obeyed if they are impartial; democratic rules are challenged if they infringe on the rights of others Level 3 (Post-conventional)
Who? Moral Developmental Theory
Psychosocial Developmental Theory: Which virtue is instilled at ages 0-1?
Freud’s Psychosexual Stages of Development: Which stage? Ages 2-3
Freud’s Psychosexual Stages of Development: Which stage is accompanied by the Oedipus Complex, murderous feelings for dad, guilt, a fear of retaliation, and castration anxiety?
Phallic stage
Kohlberg’s Moral Stages: Level 1
Piaget’s Four Stages of Cognitive Development: Which stage? The child can now reason logically about concrete events and classify objects into different sets.
Concrete operational
Psychosocial Developmental Theory: Which virtue is instilled at ages 6-12?
Psychosocial Developmental Theory: Psychosocial Crisis of ages 12-18+
ego-identity vs. role-confusion
Fine Motor Development (Gesell Figures): 8 years
Hollow cross
Piaget’s Four Stages of Cognitive Development: Which stage? Understands world through hypothetical thinking and scientific reasoning
Formal operational
Freud’s Psychosexual Stages of Development: What age? Genital
Piaget’s Four Stages of Cognitive Development: Which stage? Understands world through senses and actions
Psychosocial Developmental Theory: Which crisis asks, “can I love?”
intimacy vs. isolation
Fine Motor Development (Gesell Figures): 2 years
Imitates stroke
Psychosocial Developmental Theory: Which virtue is instilled at ages 19-40?
Kohlberg’s Moral Stages: Level 3
Kohlberg’s Moral Stages: Which stage asks… How can I avoid punishment? What’s in it for me?
Pre-conventional (Level 1)
Psychosocial Developmental Theory: Psychosocial Crisis of ages 30-50
generativity vs. self-absorption
Kohlberg’s Moral Stages: What is Stage 4?
Maintenance if the social order: Rules are obeyed to maintain social order Level 2 (Conventional)
Psychosocial Developmental Theory: Significant Relationship of trust vs. mistrust
Psychosocial Developmental Theory: Which crisis asks, “is it ok for me to do, move, act?”
initiative vs. guilt
Psychosocial Developmental Theory: Which virtue is instilled at ages 65+