Discuss optimal fetal position
Check wk1
Malposition/malpresentation of fetus can increase risk of intervention such as instrumental birth or C-section and can lead to increased maternal+fetal morbidity.
Can reduce the occurance of malposition by regularly sit in an upright/forward leaning posture esp during BH which
encourages the fetus to move into the optimum position (Johnson and Taylor 2023)
According to sutton a Scott 1996 women who use diffrent positions and postures, for exampre steeping on their left side, shows that it encourages the fetus to rotate to a lateral antenor position and helps engagement from 34 weeks onward.
Discuss perineal massage:
-Increase stretch of tissue in perineum
-Prep for feeling of crowning
-AN reduces chance of perineal trauma
-(Beaumann and stock 2013)
—Women shud b informed abt it
-Insert fingers 2 inches in nd move from side to side against vaginal walls adding livgjt pressure pushing down for 10-15 mins.
-Can be performed from 34 weeks.
Discuss PFMT
Pelvic Floor Muscle Training
-Reccomended during+after preg
-Prevents incontinence
-Strengthens muscle in prep for CB
Define 1st stage of labour
-Onset of reg contractions,effacement + dilation of cervix and os to full dilation of os.
Primi (12-14hrs)
Multi (6-10hrs)
Define 2nd stage of labour
From full dilation of OS uteri to birth of baby.
Primi 60mins
Multi 30mins
Define 3rd stage of labour
From burth of bb to expulsion of placenta +membranes
Primi 20-30mins
Multi 20-30mins
OR 5-15mins. w active management