week 1 Flashcards
what is a fit note for?
- free of charge
- statement for fitness to work advising either
a) not fit for work
b) you may be fit for work taking account certain pieces of advice
when does a fit note need to be issued
when an individual has been off work for more than 7 days
can altered hours be stated as a request for a patient issued with a fit note
palliative management of anorexia
palliative management of pruritus
palliative trx muscle spasms
palliative trx insomnia
palliative trx hiccups
palliative trx dyspnoea
palliative trx restlessness
palliative trx excessive resp secretions
hyoscine hydrobramide
palliative trx capillary bleeding
tranexamic acid
4 basic principles of end of life care
- autonomy
- beneficience
- non maleficence
- justice
time definition of end of life
person likely to die within next 12 months
1st line management of delirium tremens
oral lorazepam
presentation of delerium tremens
tachycardia, HTN, pyrexia
when does delerium tremens occur
1-2 days following cessation of alcohol
other signs of alcohol withdrawal
- n+v
- headache
- tremors
- extreme sweating
- hallucinations
- agitation/anxiety
during what period is alcohol withdrawal symptoms worst
first 48 hours