Week 1 Flashcards
Can abduct one eye but not adduct the other simultaneously, bilateral defect abducting eye has nystagmus? D/P
Internuclear opthalmoplegia due to damage to heavily myelinated fibers in MLF from MS
Internuclear opthalmoplegia unilaterally
Lacunar stroke or MS
Symptom: Fluctuating and fatigable proximal muscle weakness worsening later in the day: ptosis, diplopia, dysphagia, dysarthria, and even respiratory crisis. D/BT/Tr
Best next test: Acetylcholine receptor antibodies with CT scan for thymoma
Treatment: AChEi like pyridostigmine, immunotherapy, and thymectomy
Unexplained fever in someone undergoing severe surgery with grimace to RUQ palpation? (D/BT)
Acalculous cholecystitis - first ultrasound then CT or HIDA if needed for diagnosis - due to stasis of gallbladder
Level that prolactin typically reaches in prolactinoma? Effect on LH? Effect on TSH?
- LH low by feedback. TSH may or may not be low by mass effect
Dyspnea in DS patient while feeding after 6 weeks with murmurs at LUSB and LLSB (D/P)
complete av-septal defect - loud S 2, systolic ejection murmur from ASD, holosytolic murmur of VSD
Bilateral foot deviation of newborn firstborn which can be pasively and actively moved laterally (D/Tr)
metatarsus adductus - no intervention necessary
Rigid position of foot medial/upward deviating forefoot and hindfoot with hyper-plantar flexion (D/Tr)
Club foot - manipulation and casting, surgery if it doesn’t work
Who to screen for diabetes?
> =45 or risk factors
When to begin low-dose CT screening for lung cancer? How many pack years to qualify?
55-80, >30 pack years who have quit <15 years ago
Pap test years division?
3 years 21-29, can switch to PAP and HPV every 5 for 30-65
Respiratory failure after infection or fluoroquinolone (or other antibiotic use) - (D/Tr)
myasthenic crisis - ICU for airway protection
Management of acute exacerbation of COPD? Sputum cultures?
O2 with low target, bronchodilators, systemic glucocorticoids, antibiotics if >=2 cardinal symptoms - 3-7 days, oseltamivir if flue, NPPV if vent failure
DON’T collect sputum cultures unless patient at risk for Pseudomonas
Cardinal symptoms of COPD
Increased dyspnea, increased cough, sputum color or volume change
Most common valve issue leading to IE
mitral valve prolapse
Was it right for me to start on omeprazole for reflux?
Yes, because I had laryngopharyngeal involvment. Otherwise, I would have done lifestyle changes and H2 blocker
Tdap schedule
single dose at 11-18 or later if not receiving it then, then vaccine every 10 years and during eachc pregnancy
Blood tinged sputum in young patient who just had a virus with no smoking history and no TB risk factors
Bronchitis - reassurance and no further workup
Side effect of haloperidol related to movement in Parkison’s patients?
Benzos for elderly?
No, high risk for withdraw, dependence, motor effects, and paradoxical agitation
Triad of wernicke encephalopathy?
Encephalopathy, ocular dysfunction, gait ataxia
Treatment for Wernicke encephalopathy?
Thiamine before glucose
Is colposcopy and cervical biopsy performed during pregnancy for high grade cervical carcinoma?
When to use HPV cotesting when evaluating squamous change?
Triage atypical squamous cells and low grade
Effects of dopamine antagonism of 2nd gen antipsychotics like risperidone?
Tubuloinfundibular - hyperprolactinemia
Nigrostriatal - parkinsonism
Mesolimbic - antipsychotic effect
What happens to FSH and LH levels in menopause?
How long amennorhea to be considered menopause?
1 year
What is premature ovarian failure
menopause before 40
Amenorrhea in normal SH and LH setting
Check for obesity
Placenta previa precautions and follow-up
No intercourse, no digital cervical examination, inpatient admission for any bleeding
Do not need weekly ultrasounds, if not resolved in third trimester ultrasound then C section 36-37 weeks as labor can cause bleeding
Causes of methemoglobinemia
Why low O2 sats in methemoglobinemia
Absorption spectrum of mehemo - PaO2 is normal
Why methylene blue for methgbemia
Reducer for NADPH
Question type: An opacity with minimal fluid layering on lateral decubitus film”
fluid question - asking what to do with large and small effusions - small effusions without respiratory distress get oral antibiotics and close follow-up, large get intervention
Cause of HIV-Associated Neurocognitive disorder?
Replication of HIV in central nervous system
Precipitous drop in blood pressure in young person with medical Jc of asthma, eczema, pneumonia recurrence after transfusion (D/P)
Selective IgA deficiency, lack of IgA allows for formation of antibodies against IgA so if there’s any in a blood transfusion, it can cause anaphylaxis
Palpable purpura, proteinuria, hematuria +non-specific symptoms (D/Associated virus/Lab finding
mixed cryoglobulinemia, Hep C, hypocomplementemia
Restudy kidney
What is the most common cause for isolated proteinuria in children and what is the follow up?
Transient proteinuria - repeat disptick on two later occassions
Microcephaly, microagnathia, overlapping fingers, rocker bottom feet, and absent palmar crease in newborn?
Trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome)
Heart defect with Edwards?
Is acrocyanosis always pathologic?
no, central cyanosis is more predictive
Short term treatment of hypercalcemia for severe, moderate, and assymptomatic?
Severe - >14 or symptomatic - NS plus calcitonin short term, bisphosphonate long term.
Moderate (12-14)/Assymptomatic - usually no treatment required unless symptomatic
Antibiotic for trachoma
Back pain, normocytic anemia, and arm pain with osteolytic lesion in elderly patient (D/BT)
Multiple Myeloma, SPEP/UPEP
When is splenic rupture most likely in mono?
3-4 weeks
Pt. with gout presents with a hot red joint, what are two important differentiators? -
is this typical for a gout flare, how long did it take to come on (12-24 hours to maximal onset with gout attack)
Do crystals appear in joints when not having active gout attacks?
Claudication like symptoms with postural relief and normal ABI? Most common cause?
neurogenic (rather than vascular) claudication - osteoarthritis of the spine
Stages of Lyme disease with treatment:
Early - erythema migrans, fatigue, headache, myalgias, arthralgias - early oral doxy
Early disseminated - multiple erythema migrans, unilatera/bilateral CN palsy, Meningitis, carditis, migratory arthralgias - IV ceftriaxone
Late - arthritis, encephalitis, peripheral neuropathy - IV ceftriaxone
High fever, polyarthralgia, and pustular rash (D/Test finding)
Disseminated gonococcal infection, normally negative blood cultures due to fastidious growth requirements of N gonorrhoeae
Thyroid levels in any patient with acute, severe illness
euthyroid sick syndrome - fall in T3 and T4 from multiple levels
Treatment for papillary thyroid cancer
Surgical resection - radioiodine abltation if increased risk of tumor recurrence and thyroid replacement to suppress TSH
Most common fracture in pediatrics from fall on an outstretched hand
supracondylar fractures
What is at risk in supracondylar fractures (D/Cl)
brachial artery injury or median nerve entrapment - test for neuro and brachial/radial pulses before and after
Differentiate myoclonus due to seizure vs myoclonus due to syncope
presence of trigger, presence of aura, head deviation or body posturing, tongue laceration, prolonged postictal phase
What electrolyte level mirrors CHF severity (D/P)
hyponatremia, renal hypoperfusion results in release of renin and secretion of ADH
CHF poor prognostic factors? Clinical, Lab, electrocardiography, echocardiography, associated conditions.
Clinical - Higher NYHA class, resting tachy, S3 gallop, elevated JVP, Low blood pressure (<100/60), mitral regurg, low peak VO2
Laboratory - Hyponatremia, elevated pro-BNP, renal insufficiency
Electrocardiography - >120 msec QRS, left bundle branch block
Echo - severe LV dysfunction, Concomitant diastolic dynsfunction, reduced RV function, PHTN
Associated conditions - anemia, afib, DM
Why would a mother alloimmunize to Rh factor if she was given the standard dose of anti-D immune globulin?
50% of mothers need more than the standard dose of anti-D immune globulin, if placental abruption or other exposures, should perform Kleihauer-Betke test
Very athletic thin female with ammenorhia (D/P/BT)
Functional hypothalamic amenorrhea - Hypothalmaic suppression of GnRH, LH, FSH, and ultimately estrogen, does not respond to medroxyprogesterone acetate challenge
Urethritis, asymmetric oligoarthritis, and conjunctivitis, especially with mucocutaneous lesions or Achilles tendon pain (D/Tr)
Reactive arthritis - NSAIDS
Flank pain with intermittent episodes of high volume urination
renal calculi
Decrease in renal function in cirrhotic patient which does not respond to fluids (D/P)
Hepatorenal syndrome - dilation of the splanchnic artery causing activation of the RAS system
Write this down as learning issue
Three risks of cryptorchidism and what can be done about them.
Testicular torsion, infertility, and testicular cancer - all three improve with orchipexy before age 1, although cancer risk remains elevated but improved detection with surgical fixation
Extended aggression, agitation, combativeness, psychosis, delerium, myoclonus, and sometimes seizures with unremarkable urine drug screen?
Bath salts
Awakening in first 1/3 of night without responsiveness to comfort or recall of dream content
sleep terror
What happens to the ovaries when you have a hydatidiform mole?
Proliferative trophoblastic tissue secretes B-hCG, causing hyperstimulation of ovaries and formation of theca lutein cysts - bilateral, multilocular ovearian cysts
How to treat a hyatidiform mole
dilatation, suction, and curetage or hysterectomy after decrease of B-hCg
What is the maternal analogue of B-HCG
yperemesis gravidarum, a large uterus compared to last menstruation, and bilaterally enlarged ovaries? (D)
Hyatidiform mole
Multilocular, bilateral 10-15 cm ovaries in face of elevated b-hcg
theca lutein cysts
three causes of theca lutein cysts
gestational trophoblastic disease, multifetal gestation, interftility treatment
Lower abdominal pain migrating into pleuritic RUQ pain
perihepatitis (Fitz-Hugh_curtis) from pelvic inflammatory disease
Treatment for PID
Third generation cephalosporin plus azithromycin OR doxy
Complications of PID
tubo-ovarian abscess, infertility, ectopic pregnancy, perihepatitis
Why urinary urgency in diverticuluitis?
Bladder irritation from inflamed sigmoid colon
Workup for suspected esophageal perf?
CXR or CT scan, or water-soluble contrast esophagogram to find leak site - PPI, broad spectrum antibiotics, nutrition, and surgery
HOCM genetic inheritance, clinical manifestation, increase the murmurs
Genetic: autosomal dominant
Clinical: Systeloic ejection and dual upstroke pulse due to midsystolic obstruction
Murmur increase: Anything reducing preload - valsalva strain, abrupt standing. Decrease with increased preload OR afterload - squatting, leg raise, hand grip
Role of head thrust test?
Detecting vestibulopathy
Cause of oscillopsia
bilateral vestibular injury
Inability to recall important personal information after traumatic or stressful event (with travel qualifier)
Dissociative amnesia with dissociative fugue
Multiple personality
dissociative identity disorder
Anterograde amnesia resolving after 24 hours -
transient global amnesia
Spot Hashimoto’s in a question stem
Chronic hypothyroidism, +antithyroid peroxidase antibodies
Rapidly enlarging goiter with compressive symptoms with hx of Hashimoto’s
thyroid lymphoma , especially common in Hashimoto’s population - retrosternal extension
treatment for slowly progressive, nonpainful swelling of mandible with sulfur granule sinus tracks after dental procedure?
Penicillin for 2-6 months with surgery reserved for severe disease
Female athlete triad for stress fracture?
Low caloric intake, hypomenorrhea/amenorrhea, low bone density
Clinical presentation of stress fracture? Contrast to shin splints
Insidious onset of localized pain, point tenderness, possible negative x-ray - as opposed to shin splints which is diffuse areas of tenderness usually in overweight individuals
Most common cause of meningitis in young infants?
Group B strep
Meningitis in infant at 8 days?
Horizontally transmitted GBS
Most common cause of recurrent UTI’s in infants and children? (D/BT)
Vesicoureteral reflux - voiding cystourethrogram
Most common cause of chronic renal insufficiency/failure?
Posterior urethral valves
Large flank masses, respiratory distress, and Potter faces?
Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
When is intermittent strabismus a problem?
After 4 months of age
Swollen hands and feet with only soft tissue swelling in AA descent w/t low grade fever?
Initial presentation of vaso-occlusive crisis in sickle cell anemia
Acute or subacute pain with focal pain at 1 site and positive blood culture in SS?
Chronic worsening pain with absence of fever, warmth, or erythema is SS?
Avascular necrosis
ARP calculation
(risk in exp-risk in unexp)/risk in exp OR (RR-1)/RR
Bilateral hilar adenopathy in middle aged woman (especially AA)?
Type of inflammation in sarcoidosis
Type of inflammation in sarcoidosis
Evaluation of patient with abdominal pain radiating to the groin with vomiting and unremarkable exam? Why not others?
Ultrasound for cheap non-dangerous, spiral CT for detailed information
X-ray - some stones not visible
Contrast CT - contrast not necessary for visualization
IVP - once was test of choice, noncontrast CT better without contrast risks
Most common cause of oculomotor nerve palsy? Differentiator - no parasympathetic change (pupil dilation) but somatic change
Ischemic neuropathy - somatic fibers more internal and prone to ischemia
How can loop diuretics cause AGMA?
-AKI -> uremia
Compensation from chronic respiratory acidosis of COPD?
-Metabolic alkalosis from high bicarb
Treatment of assymptomatic bacturia in pregnancy? (P/BT) What treatments to avoid?
Treatment: cephalexin, amoxicillin-clavulonate, or nitrofurantoin with repeat urine culture to confirm clearance after regimen
Why: Progesterone causes smooth muscle relaxation increasing pylonephritis risk and preterm delivery
What to avoid:
Fluoroquinolones - fetal bone deformities
Doxy - grey teeth and bone development
Bactrim: ONLY SECOND TRIMESTER, first trimester messes with folic acid and third due to neonatal kernicterus
recent catheterization, anticoagulation with heparin, sudden onset of hypotension, tachcardia, flat neck veins, and back pain
Retroperitoneal hematoma from arterial acess site bleeding
Most common complication of cardiac catheterization?
Complication at catheter insertion site
Signs of smoke inhalation injury
- Burns on the face
- Singed eyebrows
- Oropharyngeal inflammation
- Carbonaceous sputum or blistering carbon deposity
- Stridor
- Carboxyhemoglobin level >10%
Role of intubation, glucocorticoids, and antibiotics in inhalation injury:
Intubation - low threshold, protects against airway edema due to supraglottic injury
Glucocorticoids - contraindicated - diabetogenic and immunosuppressive effects
Prophylactic Antibiotics - not indicated despite increased psuedomonal infection risk
Initial workup for symptomatic children with rapidly increasing head circumference?
CT or MRI - not LP
Are SSRI’s safe in pediatric OCD?
Irritant contact dermatitis vs. allergic contact dermatitis
Nonimmunologically related vs immunologically related
Similar clinical presentation
Mostly chronic symptoms
Dysmenorrhea with heavy menstrual bleeding that starts in later reproductive years progressing to chronic pelvic pain (D/BT/Tr)
Adenomyosis, MRI or pelvic ultrasound, hormonal methods followed by hysterectomy
Heavy menstrual bleeding in endometriosis?
Unilateral abdominal pain with sudden onset and adnexal mass and lack of doppler flow on ultrasound?
Ovarian torsion
With polyneuropathy, pancytopenia, and mild transaminase elevation, can also include hyper/hypopigmentation and hyperkeratosis of palms and soles what exposure should you be watching for (D/Tr)
Arsenic, chelation with dimercaprol
Places you might find arsenic?
Mining, pesticide, metalwork, antique pressure treated wood
Describe the pubertal development of women by age and phys
- Activate hypothalmic-pituitary-ovarian axis with pulsatile secretion of GnRH
- Breast development 8-12 from estrogen, then pubic hair
- Menarche around Tanner stage 4 - 2-2.5 after initial breast bud development, <15 considered normal if everything else changing appropriately
- Often growth spurt 6 month before
How to treat ADHD when substance abuse/misuse is a concern? Mechanism of action?
Atomoxetine - NE reuptake inhibitor
Severe PID requiring hospitalization treatment:? What qualifies for inpatient?
IV cefoxitin plus oral doxy. High fever, inability to take oral antibiotics, pregnancy, risk of nonadherence, complication
Markedly elevated aminotransferases, signs of hepatic encephalopathy, and synthetic liver dysfunction in setting of acetaminophen and alcohol (D/P/Tr)-
ALF, NAPQI, N-acetylcysteine
Wisconsin man has upper lobe consolidation, lytic lesions in anterior ribs, and well-circumscribed verrucous crusted lesions (D/BT/Tr)
Blastomycosis, budding yeast from sputum culture, itraconazole or amph B
ever >5 days, conjunctivitis, oral mucosal changes (erythema, fissured lips, strawberry tongue), rash, extremity changes, and cervical lymphadenopathy of >1.5 (D/Tr/BT
Kawasaki Disease (Fever +4/5 above), treat with IVIG with 10 days to prevent coronary artery aneurysms, and aspirin. Follow up with echo
Scarlett fever rash vs. kawasaki rash
Scarlett fever - sanddpaper, kawasaki, maculopapullar
CONSTIPATIOn, abdominal pain, and polydispia -
hyercalcemia in patient using vitamins for osteoporosis (D/P)
Milk-alkali induced hypercalcemia
causes renal vasoconstriction and impaired ADH potency -> hypovolemia
Medications raising risk of MAS
thiazides, ACEi’s, NSAIDS
Electrolyte imbalance of MAS
metabolic alkalosis, hypophosphatemia, hypomagnesemia, AKI, low PTH
what happens in TCA overdose?
Cardiac toxicity due to fast sodium channel inhibition in the His-Purkinje system - prolongs repolarization and refractory period - results in hypotension, vtach
Indication for sodium bicarb in TCA overdose? Mechanism of action?
QRS > 100 msec. Increased pH causes decreased drug avidity, increased sodium effects TCA’s binding to fast channels
Sodium bicarb for aspirin overdose?
increases salicyclate excretion through urine alkalinazation
Elevated opening pressure, low white blood cell count, low glucose, elevated protein (D/Tr) in face of HIV (CD4 count)
Cryptococcus meningitis, AmB and flucytosine for 2 weeks then fluconazole for 8 weeks first dose, maintenance for a year. < 100
Respiratory distress, neurologic dysfunction, and petechial rash after fracture of large bones
Fat Embolism syndrome
Symptoms of internal capsule ischemia plus vomitting, lethargy, headache?
Putaminal hemmorhage
Hypoglycemia in insulin dependent diabetics after meals with dysphagia and uncomfortable fullness (D/Tr)
Diabetic gastroparesis - dietary modification and metoclopramide or erythromycin
Most common extracranial solid tumor of childhood? (D/Cl)
Neuroblastoma, urine and serum catecholamine elvation
Horner’s syndrome in child with harlequin sign and paravertebral mass -
Why use ACEi in unilateral RAS?
ACEi reduces angiotensin II levels dilating glomerular efferent arterioles - this makes the stenotic kidney RBF fall but the unaffected kidney compensates by not being subject to vasoconstriction
Most sensitive lab value for orthostatic hypotension
decreased urine sodium
Colon cancer screening options:
Starting at 50 (or 10 years before first degree relative diagnosis)
- FOBT annually OR
- Sigmoidoscopy q5 years and FOBT q 3 years OR
- Colonoscopy every 10 years
Arching of back, frequent spit-ups, poor weight gain in infant
Blood-streaked, mucousy, loose stools or severe constipation
Milk protein allergy
Pill induced esophagitis causes
tetracyclines, NSAIDs, bisphosphonates, potassium chloride, iron
Agoraphobia and recurrent, spontaneous anxiety attacks? Difference between this and social anxiety disorder?
Panic disorder. Social anxiety has specific fear of social humiliation
Not sexually active guy wants STD test
HIV screening, 4th gen assay for HIV p24 antigen and HIV antibodies
Partial response to antidepressent for patient who is unable to lose weight and feels fatigued?
Dysuria, suprapubic tenderness, and dyschezia
Endometriosis on bladder and rectovaginal septum
Uterine sign of potential endometrial implants? Common complication of endometriosis?
Fixed in retroversion due to scarring. Infertility
Endometriosis dx and treatment
- Definitive - direct visualization with laparoscopy and surgery
- Conservative - oral contraseptives and NSAIDS
Assymptomatic adnexal fullness resulting in ultrasound with hyperechoic nodules and calcifications?
Dermoid ovarian cyst
Pulmonary nodules after pregnancy?
Simple, thin wall cysts observable in first half of menstrual cycle?
Follicular cysts
Homogenous cystic mass with dysmenorrhea?
Ovarian endometrioma
Irregular or absent menses with ovaries ringed with multiple simple cysts?
Multiloculated cystic mass with distortion of normal adnexal structures and systemic symptoms
tubo-ovarian abscess
Pelvic pain in a patient with a known ovarian mass?
Ovarian torsion until proven otherwise
Pain, fatigue, paresthesias of extremity with concurrent dizziness, ataxia, dysequilibrium worsened with exercise (D/P)
Subclavian steal syndrome (severe stenosis) with reverse flow in vertebral artery on same side
Extra gastric symptoms of Crohn’s -
uveitis, scleritis, erythema nodosum
Hematuria with scrotal varices and polycythemia (D/BT0
Renal cell carcinoma (classic flank pain, hematuria, and palpable abdominal renal mass rare). CT scan of the abdomen best test
Symptom cuttoff for ADHD?
Before age 12
Maternal serum quadruple test at 15-20 weeks shows low AFP, low estriol, elevated B-hcg, elevated inhibit? Follow-up test?
Down’s. cell-free fetal DNA and ultrasound
Maternal quad screen when tested?
15-20 weeks EGA
Maternal quad screen up AFP and normal estriol, B-HcG, inhibin?
Open neural tube defects or abdominal wall defects
Maternal quad screen low AFP, estriol, and Bhcg, normal inhjibin?
Tri 18
Hyper or hypothermia in cirrhotic patients?
Hypothermia, fever should be investigated
SAAG score for SBP?
> =1.1 consistent, <1.1 makes SBP unlikely
Fever, RUQ, and gas in gallbladder in patient with vascular compromise, or immunosuppression (D/P/Tr)
Emphysematous cholecystitis - Clostridium, surgical resection and parenteral antibiotics
2 year cough with copious sputum production, no smoking history, crackles and wheezing on PE and bilateral atelectasis on CXR (D/P/BT/Tr)
Recurrent bronchiectasis, infectious insult with impaired clearance resulting in cyclical bacterial proliferation, airway dilation, airway plugging. HRCT scan for initial diagnosis followed by f/u testing. Need antibiotics unlike viral bronchitis
New intermittent headache in young white overweight female on OCP’s with papilledema? (D/P/Tr)
Benign intracranial hypertension, decreased CSF absorbtions, weight reduction followed by acetazolamide if ineffective
Hereditary spherocytosis risk, inheritance, pathogenesis, Lab findings, treatment
Northern european descent, autosomal dominant, defect in ankryin gene, up mean hemoglobin, increased MCH concentration and negative Coombs test, folic acid supplementation, blood transfusions, and splenectomy for treatment
Complications of hereditary spherocytosis
Pigment gallstones and aplastic crisis from parvo
Tests for hereditery spherocytosis
Osmotic fragility on acidified glycerol lysis, abnormal eosin-5-maleimide binding
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria path?
Absent CD55