CS/OSCE Flashcards
Wacky, wet, wobbly (DDx)
Normal pressure hydro v.s. chronic subdural hematoma vs. alternative dementia vs intracranial neoplasm vs. neurosyphillis
Workup for confusion/memory loss?
55 yo with rapidlyk progressive change in mental status, difficulty concentrating, memory impairment associated with myojclonus, ataxia, and startle response
Creutfeldt-Jakob vs vascular vs lewy body vs Wernicke - consider adding serum calcium and brain biopsy
Old diabetic with confusion, dizziness, palpitations, diaphoresis, and weakness
Hypoglycemia vs. TIA vs. arrhythmia vs delirium vs angina vs. meds - add trops,, ECG, and glucose levels as well as doppler and urine tox
55 yo F gradual altered mental status and headache after being knocked unconscious
Subdural hematoma vs. SIADH (hyponatremia) vs. Creutzfeldt Jokob vs. Intracranial neoplasm vs CNS infecition - standard workup plus BMP
Important questions for vision loss?
How recent? What progression? Can you see light? Eye pain, discharge, itching, tearing, photophobia, redness, headache, weakness, numbness, floaters, sparks? Jaw claudication? Trauma?
PE for vision loss
Vitals, HEENT, fundoscopic, neuro, and cardio
Old dude with acute loss of vision in left eye with palpitations and SOB, hx of afib and right eye cataracts
Retinal artery occlusion vs. vein occlusion vs. acute angle closure glaucoma vs. rentinal detachment vs. temporal arteritis.
Workup for vision loss
Fluorescein angioogram, Echo, Doppler U/S, Intraocular tonometry, ESR,CRP
Depressed mood key questions?
Onset, duration, SIGECAPS - suicidaility, decreased interest, guilt, energy levels, concentration, activity, lack of pleasure, sleep, family hx of mood disorder, prior episodes, meds
Depressed mood PE?
Head and neck, neurologic exam, mental status exam, psych exam: (Appearance, behavior, speech, mood, affect, thought process, thought content, cognition, insight, and judgement
Psych workup
PHQ-9, TSH, CBC, urine tox, beck depression inventory, QIDS-SR16
DIGFAST pneumonic
Distractability, irritability, grandiosity, flight of ideas, activity increase, sleep decrease,talkativeness
Important questions for psychosis
Positive: delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thoughts
neg: blunted affect, social withdrawal, decreased motivation, decreased speech/thought
Cognitive: disorganized speech patterns, thoughts, paranoia
Self reference symptoms: People watching you, messages from media
Physical exam for psychosis
Vital signs, mental status, pay attention to appearanc
Workup for psychosis
Mental status exam, urine tox, TSH, CBC, electrolytes