Ramani Lecture Flashcards
Contraindications for EKG stress test vs. Echo
Old left branch bundle or on digoxin
What meds to stop for an EKG stress test?
Beta blockers, calcium channel blockers
Positive stress test
Pain is reproduced, ST depression, or hypotension
New systolic murmur 5-7 days post MI
Papillary muscle rupture
Acute severe hypotension after MI?
Ventricular free wall rupture “step up in oxygen from RA to RV”
Persistent ST elevation with mitral regurg post-MI
Ventricular wall aneurysm
bounding pulsating JVP
Tricuspid malfunction 2/2 AV dissociation - check for third degree heart blok
5-10 weeks post MI pleuritic CP and low grade temp (D/Tr)
Dressler’s autoimmune pericarditis, NSAIDS and aspirin
Vague chest pain with viral infection and murmur
Chest pain with rest and worse at night in person with migraine headaches, transient ST (D/BT/Tr)
Prinzmetal’s angina, ergonovine stim test, CCB or nitrates
Third degree heart block finding
Cannon-a waves
Varying PR intervals with 3 or more distinct P waves in same lead
Multifocal atrial tachycardia, bad prognosis, sick patients pending respiratory fialure
Normal complex QRS tachy and treatment
Vtach - unstable - cardioversion, stable - lidicoaine or amiodarone
Drug of choice for WPW
procainamide - do NOT give rate control
Torsades risk factors
Low Mg, Low K, Li, TCA OD
Young person with sudden onset and offset palpations normal rhythm 150-220 bpm
SVT - carotid massage first followed by adenosine
Widened QRS, short Qt after crush or burn?
Electrical alternans? Low alternating qrs
Undulating baseline irregularly irregular too much synthroid, CHF valve dizease, or SOB/dizziness
Afib - rate control
Crescendo decrescenod, louder with squat, softer with valsalva +parvus et tardus
Aortic stenosis - replace
Late systolic murmur with a click, louder with valsalva, quieter with squatting
Mitral valve prolapse
Radiate to axilla, holosystolic
Mitral reguritation
Rumbling diastolic murmur with opening snap, left atrial enlargement
Mitral stenosis
Blowing diastolic murmur with widened pulse pressure and eponym parade
Aortic regurg
Suspect PE?
Heparin first!
O2 <90%
Give O2
Murmur or CHF?
Acute pulmonary edema?
Nitrates, lasix, and morphine
CHF in young person?
Myocarditis (coxackie B)
Young and no cardiomegaly on CXR
Right heart cath for pHTN -
Pulm cap wedge pressure in CHF and pHTN
High in CHF, normal in pHTN
Reversible cardiomyopathy
Alchol, hemochromatosis
Thickened peritracheal stripe and splayed carina bifurcation
Left atrial enlargement (mitral stenosis) and cancer
Transudative pleural effusion with low glucose
Transudative pleural effusions with high lymphocytes
Transient pleural effesuion with blood
Malignant or PE
What makes pleural effusion complicatied?
Exudative with +gram or cx, pH<7.2, glc <60
Lights criteria
LDH eff/serum <0.6
Protein eff/serum <0.5
need all three to be transudative
Cancer and nephrotic syndrome dispose to PE
PE anticoagulation
Heparin right away then warfarin bridge
When to do surgical thrombectomy
If immediately life threatening
Criteria for ARDS
- PaO2/FiO2 <200 (<300 means acute lung injury)
- Bilateral alveolar infiltrates on CXR
- PCWP <18
ARDS treatment
Mechanical ventilation w/ PEEP
when to start O2
PaO2<55 or if cor pulmonale, <59
Typical abx for COPD exacerbation
Best prognostic indicator for COPD
New clubbing in COPDr
Hypertrophic ostearthropathy, get CXR for lung cancer
Normalizing PCO2 in asthma exacerbation
Impending respiratory failure, intubate
1 cm nodules in upper lobes with eggshell calcifications
Sillicosis - more predisposed to TB, INH if >10 mm
Reticulonodular markings in lower lobes with pleural plaques
Asbestosis, increased risk for bronchogenic carcinoma and mesothelemioma
Patchy lower lobe infiltrates (D/P)
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis, “farmer’s lung”
Hilar lymphadenopathy
Sarcoid with hypercalcemia
Increased vit D due to macrophages in granulomas producing vit D like substance
Referral for sarcoid?
Opthalmology - uveitis conjunctivits in 25%
How to dx sarcoid
Biopsy, treat with steroids
First step in pulm nodule workup
Look for old CXR
Characteristics of benign pulm nodule
Popcorn calcification (hamartoma) Concentric calcification (old granuloma) Pt<40 with well circumscribed <3 cm 0 watch with CT q2mo
Malignant nodule characteristics
Spiculated, large (>3 cm), old smoker
Weight loss, cough, dyspnea, hemoptysis, repeatned PNA or lung collapse
Most common non-smoker cancer
Adeno - scars of old pna
Location and mets of adeno?
Periopheral cancer, liver bone brain and adrenal
Characteristic pleural effusion of adeno?
Exudative with high hylauronidase
Scary lung cancer symptoms with low PTH AND hypercalcemia
Squamous cell - PTH-rP
Shoulder pain, ptosis, constricted pupil, facial edema
Superior sulcus syndrome, small cell carcinoma
Cancer associated with Lamber-Eaton?
Small cell