week 1 Flashcards
What is AAC?
What are the 8 ways Communication requirements vary?
- Age
- Personal Context (family, culture, gender)
- individual experiences
- personality and motivations
- skill and knowledge of communication partners
- environments
- activities skills and abilities
- disability and difficulties
What 3 things does every AAC system need?
- Sufficient vocabulary to interact (for a full range of communication functions, to combine symbols into sentences and in a range of activities)
- Vocabulary and features for the future
- Selection techniques which are not too physically taxing or limiting to promote meaningful communication
core vocabulary is?
Core vocabulary is A small number of words(around 250), used for the majority of communication (around 85%), frequently occurring, “generic” words, used by all people everywhere, anytime, over and over. These words are generally NOT easily represented by a picture(non‐ iconic) e.g. Pronouns, verbs, prepositions and adjectives.
Fringe vocabulary is?
Fringe vocabulary is a large pool of activity or topic‐related words, that occur less frequently than core words, new words continually added with experience, reflect the person’s activities, interests, environment, personal style, age group, don’t easily transfer across contexts and are more easily pictured e.g. food words, people words and words for a particular environment or activity.
What are the 4 primary sources of information for vocabulary selection.
1.Formal environmental inventories
2.Recommended vocabulary for children &
adults with language disabilities
3.Preselected vocabulary from electronic AAC systems and symbol sets
4. Knowledge of language acquisition in typically developing individuals.
What are two types of barriers in the Participation model?
- Opportunity Barriers: imposed by others and cannot be eliminated by providing an AAC system, e.g. attitudes of others
- Access Barriers: limitations in the individual’s current abilities or their immediate support system eg. No AAC system in place, out of date vocabulary
What are the 5 aims of AAC interventions?
- Intelligibly
- Specifically
- Efficiently
- Independently
- and in as socially valued a manner as possible
For the person to meet his / her varied communication requirements as to understand others and to be understood
What is Communicative Competence?
A the central goal of AAC intervention as defined by Light (1989)
What are the 4 types of communicative competence ?
- Linguistic competence
- Operational competence
- Social competence
- Strategic competence
what is Linguistic competence?
is learning the linguistic code of the AAC system. mastery of the native language spoken by the community in which the AAC user participates. learning the symbols used to represent vocabulary and language.
So, can the AAC user: combine words, use appropriate syntax and morphology and communicate with specific meaning.
what is operational competence?
learning to use the necessary motor, cognitive, visual and auditory skills needed to operate the AAC system. an ability to use the system “features” and mastery of effective rate‐enhancement strategies
So, can the AAC user: access the device effectively and efficiently, navigate through the system appropriately and program the system as required
what is social competence?
conversational skills e.g. topic initiation, maintenance, asking questions, making comments, choice‐making, rejecting. an interest in others and a desire to communicate. active participation in conversation and responsiveness to communication partner.
So, can the AAC user: initiate, maintain, terminate interactions, engage in coherent and cohesive interactions and give and take turns
what is strategic competence?
making the best of what the AAC user does know and can do
development of compensatory strategies by the AAC user to allow effective communication given any system or user limitations
So the AAC user can: use the preprogramed messages available on a device, find a different way to say something that’s not easily represented on their AAC system and select and generate appropriate messages
What are the 5 psychosocial factors influencing competence.
Motivation to communicate, Attitude towards AAC, Communication confidence and Resilience Environmental Supports and Barriers.
What are 5 recent changes in AAC?
- Changes in scope of communication needs
- Increasing use of social media
- Changing demographics of AAC users
- Changes in AAC systems and mainstream technologies
- Changes in expectations for participation
What are 8 common fears and myths surround AAC?
- should be introduced only after giving up all hope of natural speech
- reduces motivation to work on speech
- Whenever present, speech should always be the primary means of communication
- A young child is not ready for AAC.
- A child does not require AAC until school‐age
- A child with severe cognitive deficits cannot learn to use an AAC system
- A child must exhibit certain specific cognitive prerequisites before being able to learn to learn to use AAC
- AAC makes a child look abnormal and retarded