Week 1-5 Review Flashcards
Therapeutic Relationship
- Enabling individuals/groups
- Support & strengthen functioning
- Greater sense of individual control
- Helpful to patient
- Specific goal/purpose
- Focuses on client needs
RNAO on Establishing Therapeutic Relationships
- Acquire knowledge to participate
- Reflective practices
- Understand process
- Recognizing phase of client relationship
CNO on Therapeutic Relationship
- Therapeutic communication
- Client-centered care
- Maintaining boundaries
- Protecting client from abuse
Importance of Nursing Theory
- Think creatively
- Look beyond norms
- Examine day to day practice
- Understand complexities
- Provides identity, clarity & direction
- Sense of pride, meaning & value
Consequences of Ineffective Helping
- Learned helplessness
- Paternalism
- Decreased self-esteem
- Non-contingent helping/maternalism
CNO Practice Standard Components
- Trust
- Power
- Respect
- Empathy
- Professional intimacy
Functions of Non-Verbal Communication
- Contradicting
- Emphasizing
- Regulating
- Complementing
- Substituting
Non-Verbal Cues
- Hand shake
- Posture
- Facial expression
- Appearance
- Posture
- Voice
- Tone
- Eye expression
- Touch
- Components of how speech is delivered
- Tone, pitch, speed
Struggles of Mask Communication
- Eliminate roles of middle & lower face
- Difficult to hear voice
- Difficult to express
- Difficult to read/interpret
- Adverse effects on speech/hearing disabilities
- Foundational skill of helping
- Being with
- Understand
- Correctly interpret message
- 1 stage of listening
- Being there
- Ears pick up soundwaves & transmit to brain
Attending Behaviours
- Outward physical manifestation of readiness to listen
Active Listening
- Dynamic, interactive process
- Hear message & decode meaning
- Provides feedback of understanding
Barriers to Active Listening
- External & Internal Interferences
Internal Interferences
- Preoccupation
- Insecurity
- Judgements
- Emotions/feelings
External Interferences
- TV
- Alarms
- Machines
- Other voices
- Lack of privacy
Listening Responses
- Clarification
- Restatement
- Paraphrasing
- Reflection
- Summarization
- Sit at an angle
- Uncross arms/legs
- Relax
- Eye contact
- Touch
- Your intuition
Use of Silence
- Effective listening tool
- Reflection
- Draw attention to important points
- Last 10-15 seconds
- Sit facing client
- Open posture
- Lean towards client
- Establish & maintain eye contact
- Relax
Responsive Dimensions of Helping
- Respect
- Genuineness
- Concreteness
- Empathy
Action Dimensions of Helping
- Confrontation
- Self-disclosure
- Immediacy
- Catharsis
Empathy Attributes
- Viewing the world how others do
- Understanding feelings
- Non-judgemental
- Communicate
- Superficial acknowledgement of suffering
- Pity-based response
Verbal Empathy
- Accurate & specific
- Reflecting understanding
- Not repeating verbatim
- Choose proper words
NonVerbal Empathy
- Genuineness
- Warmth
Situations for Empathy
- Hurting
- Confused
- Troubled
- Anxious
- Alienated
- Terrified
Barriers to Empathy
- Different
- Distant
- Overwhelmed
- Distressed
- Conflict
- Time
- Money
- Not challenging stereotypes
Focus of Peplau Theory
- Interpersonal relationship
Focus of Orlando Theory
- Immediate needs of client
Orlando’s Deliberative Process Theory
- Presenting behaviour
- Immediate reaction
- Deliberative & automatic nursing actions
- Improvement/resolution
Peplau’s Phases of Relationship
- Orientation
- Working (identification & exploration)
- Resolution
Mild Anxiety Interventions
- Learning
- Use of energy
Moderate Anxiety Interventions
- encourage talking & focusing on experience
Severe Anxiety Interventions
- Allow relief behaviours (don’t ask)
- Encourage talking
- Learning less possible
Panic Anxiety Interventions
- Stay with
- Allow movement
- Short instructions
- Learning impossible
Roles of Nurse (Peplau)
- Resource person
- Counselor
- Surrogate
- Teacher
Watson’s Theory of Caring
- Carative factors (caritas)
- Transpersonal caring relationship
- Caring moment
Health (Waston)
- Harmony in mindbodyspirit despite disease
- Adaptive maintenance in daily functions
Person (Watson)
- Complex, holistic being
- Value & meaning
- Not an object
- Complex needs
- Comprised spheres of being (mind, body, spirit)
Environment (Watson)
- Conducive of holistic healing
- Expand awareness & consciousness
- Manmade & technology destroy human soul
- Internal & external variables
- Balance needed