Week 1 - 4 (Midsem Notes) Flashcards
What is physical activity?
Any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that results in energy expenditure
What is physical fitness?
Related to a set of attributes that people have or achieve
Measurements of PA?
Questionnaires and surveys, diary or log, direct observation, pedometers, accelerometers, GPS
What is sedentary behaviour?
A class of behaviours that don’t produce much energy expenditure like sitting, driving and lying down
What are the benefits of PA?
Reduced all cause mortality, lower blood pressure, reduced CVD risk, better physical fitness, increase bone health and metabolic markers
Diseases and conditions that benefit from PA?
Diabetes, hypertension, CVD disease, blood cholesterol, stroke
PA recommendations for children?
60 mins or more of vigorous PA each day - mainly aerobic activities
Several hours of a variety of light PA
Muscle and bone strengthening activities 3x a week
PA recommendations for adults?
Any is better than none, if you do none start and build up gradually to recommended amount
150-300 mins of vigorous PA or 75-150 mins of moderate PA or an equivalent combination of both
Muscle strengthening activities 2x a week
PA recommendations for older adults?
Some form of PA regardless of age, weight, health problems or abilities
Active in every way as possible doing a range of PA that incorporates flexibility, balance, and balance
30 minutes of moderate PA on most, or preferably all days of the week
Who is ActivPAL good for?
Athletes, runners, swimmers
Who is Actigraph good for?
Tracking cycles of activity and sleeping over several days and weeks
Who is the pedometer good for?
Rehab population - disabled, amputee or those transitioning to an active lifestyle
What is the respiratory function?
Ventilation and gaseous exchange
What is the function of the URT?
Nose cavity, pharynx, larynx
Warms and humidifies air
Traps particles >5um
Filtration by nasal hairs and trapping by impaction
What is the function of the LRT conducting part?
From trachea to terminal bronchioles
Traps particles 1-5um via sedimentation on mucus layers
Trapped particles move to MCC
What is the function of the LRT gaseous exchange?
Gas exchange between O2 and CO2 via diffusion in alveoli that are both ventilated and perfused
Anatomy of the right lung
3 lobes: UL, ML, LL
2 fissures: horizontal and oblique
10 segments
Anatomy of the left lung
2 lobes: UL, LL
1 fissure: oblique
8-10 segments:
Anatomy of pleural cavity
Visceral layer attaches to lungs
Parietal layer attaches to chest wall
What creates the negative pressure in the pleural cavity?
Lungs are elastic and want to recoil inwards
Chest wall wants to expand outwards
Negative Ppl is a result of both of these pulling in opposite direction - keeps the lung expanded
What is pneumothorax?
Air in pleural cavity
Pleural pressure becomes positive
Lungs collapse inwards
Surface anatomy of lungs?
Apex: 2.5cm above clavicle
Base: anterior to rib 6
Horizontal fissure: 4th rib or male nipple
Apex: C7
Base: T10
Oblique fissure: T3/T4
Movement of lungs?
Anterior-posterior direction: pump handle (sternum)
Lateral direction: bucket-handle (lateral rib cage)
Primary muscles of inspiration?
Diaphragm, external intercostals, scalenes