Week 1 Flashcards
Immune System Purpose
Protect body against constant attack of pathogenic microorganisms/pathogens
Endemic Disease
- Disease is always present in a population within a region
- Expected levels
- Rapid increase in cases in a population within a region
- Higher than expected
Epidemic on much smaller scale (hospital floor, school)
Widespread epidemic over several regions/countries
Habitat organism lives, grows, multiplies
Modes of Transmission
- Physical contact
- Vehicle - intermediate object
- Airborne - dust/droplet
- Vector - animal/insect
Portal of Exit
- Tends to be same as portal of entry
- Leave host in materials body secretes/excretes
Portal of Entry
- Enters susceptible host
- Access to tissues where pathogen can multiply
Host Susceptibility
Depends on immunity, genetic factors
Opportunities to Break Chain of Infection
- Infectious agent eliminated, inactivated, cannot survive in reservoir
- Portal of exit managed through infection prevention & control
- Transmission does not occur due to good infection prevention & control
- Portal of entry is protected
- Reducing susceptibility of patients receiving healthcare
Disease Definition
- Morbid process
- Does not necessarily involve infection
Ability of organism to cause infectious disease
Virulence Differences
- Some agents are very contagious but not very virulent
- Other agents are very virulent but not very contagious
- Very contagious & very virulent = worrisome
Virulence Factors
- Flagella
- Pili
- Capsules
- Exotoxins
- Endotoxins
- Protein filaments
- Extend like long tails from cell membrane
- Helps bacteria move around
- Short straight filaments
- Rising out of bacteria cell wall
- Allowing to bind/grab hold of cells & infect
- Protective layer to protect cell membrane of pathogens
- Macrophages/neutrophils can’t phagocytosis
Heat/cold resistant
Impermeable bunker to host antibody reactions
- Proteins released by bacteria
- Cause disease manifestations
- Grouped based on what body system impacted
- Gram neg bacteria
- Cause host effects, fever etc.
Host Susceptibility Factors
- Immune system
- Age
- Nutrition
- Genetic defects
- Medications - chemo