WEEK 1 Flashcards
What is social psychology?
The scientific study of how individuals think, feel and behave in a social context
What did Triplett find in his observatins
Participants performed better on a task when they worked side by side vs. alone
What did Ringelmann find in his observations
Participants performed worse on a task when they were working together vs.
What were the main themes of social psychology in the 1930s-1950s
Need to understand the causes of violence, prejudice, genocide,
conformity, obedience
* European scientists fled to the US, established critical mass of
social psychologists
What were the main studies/psychologists in 1930s-1950s
Sherif: social influence
* Lewin: person & environment, apply theory to solve problems
* Asch: conformity
* Allport: prejudice
* Festinger: social comparison theory and cognitive dissonance theory
What were the meain themes/studies of 1960s – mid 1970s
Milgram: obedience
Expansion of topics
- perceptions of self & others
- groups
- helping
- aggression
- physical attractiveness
- stress
Some questioning of the experimental approach
* ethics, bias
Main themes of social psychology in 1970s - 1990s
Better ethics
* Continued emphasis on experiments
* Although other methods used as well
* Social cognition
* How individuals perceive, remember, and interpret information about the self and
* Cultural differences
Main themes of Social Psychology Today
*Field continues to grow
* Integration of emotion, motivation, and cognition
* Genetic and evolutionary perspectives
* Cultural perspectives
* Interdisciplinary approaches
* Brain and body
* New technologies and the online world
* Replicability of findings and open science practices
What is the Scientific Method in psychology
Systematic observation, description, and measurement
What are the two aims of research
- Basic: understand human behaviour
- Applied: understand naturally occurring events and find solutions to practical problems
What are self reports
Participants disclose their thoughts, feelings, desires and actions
What is a observation
- Observe and record the behaviour of interest
- If there is room for interpretation, be sure to establish a high level of interrater
What is technology (as an option for measuring variables)
- Record physiological variables or reaction times
- e.g., heart rate, hormones, eye tracking, brain imaging, reaction time
What are the different research designs
- descriptive
- correlational
- experimental
What is descriptive research?
- Goal is to describe people and their thoughts, feelings and behaviours
- e.g., how often do people feel ostracised?