week 1 Flashcards
the science of distribution of organisms, animals,species and understanding their distribution
Biogeography vs Ecology
Biogeography - focused on mapping and explaining distribution
ecology - focused on interactions between species, why is there competition, predators/
Bioclimatic Envelope
quantifiable map for species that says what kind of conditions it likes in terms of soil, water climate etc, allows us to predict where it will grow in 100 years
Alfred Wallace
went on ships to collect animals and plant samples this was the first time we had a global collection that was being brought back to Europe
Wallaces map 1876
sahara desert is blocking animals and plants form going into Northern Africa and Europe form southern and central Africa, Himalayan Mountains and oceans are natural barriers that have prevented the species form moving around
defined as a repetitive organization across a landscape
spatial patterns of biota
quantify as clumped, random or regular
why are the trees spread out?
they need water and thus a seedling that’s close to a mature tree won’t get enough water, competition from water keeps this pattern
Tree line boundary
as you go up in elevation around the world conditions get less favourable for tree growth because its too cold resulting in a tree line, naturally induced because of elevation
forest/agriculture boundary (anthropogenic)
human made form cutting
inductive logic
making specific observations look for patterns and develop a they not testing it just based on observations seen as less rigorous
ex. environmental determinism - people were comparing European ocieies to African ones and used the justification to enslave people
deductive logic
look at something generally develop a research question and actually collect and analyze data to say weather or not your hypothesis is true or not
the present is the key to the past; present day things such as glaciers melting and eruptions, we assume those were also happening in the past 10-20 million years ago, the basic processes of the earth have not changed
These processes have been going on for thousands of years but the rates of those things have changed, for example lots of fires in one period but not in another
how did the river get there?
We do know river erodes the channel thus its a process that takes place the river eventually over millions of years will cut its way down to the bottom of the canyon
which direction a slope is facing
north side - gets no direct sunlight thus more trees
south side - direct sunlight leads to dry clime
in the Northern hemisphere the sun is mostly in the southern sky in the east and sets un the west
island gigantism
The relatives of species on a mainland, when they get to an island their organisms evolve to be gigantic over millions of years, the opposite happens sometime when the ancestor arrives and the organism gets smaller and smaller
Island dwarfism
Dwarfism might be related to lack of resources and gigantism might be related to lack of predators
something that constantly going on that leads to changes
a species found in a specific area