Wednesday - clinical case 4 - Pearson Flashcards
canidida albincans
recent abx wet prep - pseudohyphae white discharge, itchiness no vaccine topical treatment
thrichomonas vaginalis
small pear shaped w/ 4 flagella - motile
many times asymptomatic
white discharge
Gardernella vaginalis
clue cell - epithelial cell COVERED in bacteria
like 100 seroytpes can lead to cancer tx is remove warts, but no drugs 6-11 are usually warts 16-18 are worst (malignant) It's DNA virus but has no polymerase - needs to be in deep layers where cell division is happening. E1 - binds to HPV dna- helicase E2 - helps E1 start E6 - binds to p53 - stops DNA checkpoint --> can lead to cancer E7 - squesters E2F via RB
painful vesicle tx w/ acyclovir tzanck smear - giant multinucleaded cell. dsDNA linear alphaherpese can go latent in neurons (vzv is herp) can lead to encephalitis no vaccine CD8 needed has it's own polymerase (why acyclovir works)
Treponema Pallidum
syphillis inguinal lymph painless spirochete, G- dark feild VRDL or RPR test (cardiolipin) FTA-ABS
2ndary - fever sore throat - palms and hands. they disapear after a few weeks.
tertiary - small vessels
gumma - actually painful. spinal cord. pupil
congenital syphilis - leads to miscarage. if not, nasal discharge, bone deformations, cns abnormalities
tx is penicillin
Neisseria Gonorrhea
purulent discharge
G-, intracellular diplococci, ox +, only glucose oxidizer
pilli, capsule, IgA protease
thayer martin media
tx - ceftriaxone (sometime with doxy, bc chamidieye infx @ birth)
also causes septic artritis
Chlamydia Trachomatis
didn’t actually talk about it.
only used for alphaheres
used if recurrent
requires thymidine kinase
chain terminator
gancyclovir is for beta and gamma herp
treponema sketchy pic
telescope, observatory
chalmydia sketchy pic
pirate ship
Neisseria sketchy pic
noir poster red handcuff - g- diplo ring = ox + chocolate agar VPN = thayer martin pili - chains IgA = ace in hat
gonzo's bar pillios in chairs = intracellular no capsule - broken glass chandallier = PID wax = white, purulent discharge fitz-hugh = band violin one knee = asymetric arthritis 3axes in statue = ceftriaxone, also doxy baby eyes covered
HIV sketchy pic
HSV sketchy pic
Hermes DNA = blue enveloped = tunic (also cowdry bodies - cow hide) DS linear = road lines rosepedals multimuceated cells - tank acyclovir - recycle
HPV sketchy pic
pill bugs
DNA - blue
naked = david statue
1-4 = wart
6,11 = swallowing bug - respiratory pappilomatosis
6 - anogenital - dropping bug down pants - accumualata = jar
16,18 - eating crab = cancer
gardenella sketchy pic
Fish Garden
g+- = graffiti of both colors
plant overgrowth = disturbing normal flora
grayish white discharge from plants
wet mount clue cells = detective looking at missing fish
Candida sketchy pic
thrichomonas sketchy pic
magician - cervix = strawberry burning, itching, smell = homeless lady green discharge = lights motile, wet = car splashing metronidazole
E6 - fork w/ shrim –> p53 next to crab cracker
E7 - straw - RB = root beer